Stardust's Comments


-do they have powers? if so, what are they?
-what kind of food(s) would Stardust like?
-what kind of games would they like?
-got Euclid by Sleep Token vibes!

- theyre a goddess so they can do pretty big stuff, but there has to be a balance and a meaning. so she cant just do whatever she wants and there is always a consequence unless, for example, they bless a being who has suffered with the same amount of suffering they have gone through (so basically every action has an equal opposite reaction!)

- mmm as a deity i think she would be able to "taste" like. anything. and would enjoy the "taste" of stars the most! also dew drops on plants. When she was a mortal she loved comfort food like stew and porridge (she liked to put a lot of honey on hers!)

- she always loved watching kids chase each other! there is always something so charming and simple in the way they find enjoyment through that.

- the song fits her surprisingly well!!