Kolibri man



1 year, 1 month ago


*A few details; armor color changes seasonally (default is  ruby-throated), he cannot see beyond the helmet brim and does not like  using the cameras on it (noisy; scares the animals) thus leads to a lot  of run-ins with tree branches.*

Height: 3'6 ft.in.

Drone Height: 5 in

Kolibriman was made to monitor populations of smaller migratory birds  during breeding seasons and migration, particularly hummingbirds. He  also visits feeding spots on the regular when migrations occur to  provide consistent nutrients and quick health checks. Because he always  carries some nectar, he smells sweet which often invites both animals  and humans to investigate.

He’s a little shy, but warms up rather quickly when working with others.  Almost always spotted flying or hovering, he becomes more energetic  when grounded in contrast with his calmer personality while in air. The  wings on his back are specifically designed to be strong yet light, and  imitate hummingbird flight patterns with rapid movements.

Kolibriman runs mainly on solar energy alongside a newer refined energy  source but also takes traditional fuel when in need. He also has a drone  companion named ‘Humberd’, tho he prefers to creatively call her  ‘Ruby’. Ruby’s colors also change with his. She will often be sent to  observe in his place when minimal interference is necessary. Neither can  fight (at least not normally), but when trouble comes they are capable  of being excellent distractions for the big guns (Jaguarman).

+Extra backstory!+