Julie's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Cannot be transferred for any reason.

Design Terms of Use

TinyWindowless Global Rules

When owning my design(s), you may:
- Redesign the character however you like, including species, gender, and body type, as long as I am still credited as the creator.
- Regift or trade free designs, or resell them if they were bought.
- Co-own my designs (with permission from all parties).

When owning my design(s), you may NOT:
- Resell my designs before a week has passed.
- Claim my designs as your own design (including redesigns).
- Draw sexual / suggestive artwork of my feral designs, no matter if you're an adult or not.
- Sell the design for more than it's worth if it does not have commissioned work.*
- Refer to my designs/art as high-quality, medium-quality, low-quality.
- Delete my designs. Please return them to me if you no longer want them.
- Use my designs for commercial purposes without prior permission from me.
- Whitewash or detransition my designs.
- Use my designs for hateful / offensive content.