Blue Lace Agate



10 months, 14 days ago


Standing at 3’9” tall, Blue Lace Agate is one of the Agatekeepers and the lover of Pink Agate. While she lacks glittery powers, she also lacks the strength most would associate with Agates. What she lacks in strength, though, she makes up for with the skilled use of her weapon.

Most might think a Ribbon Wand isn’t much use for combat, but Blue Lace Agate uses hers to tangle up her opponents or trip up anyone who comes after her. She also can use it to pull Pink Agate out of any trouble she gets herself into.

Blue Lace Agate is one of the original inhabitants of the Sky Island, as Pink Agate was transferred in after an incident regarding her original diamond.

A friendly Gem overall, she mainly keeps Pink Agate calm and doesn’t mind fusing to other Gems.

Luna Agate is her fused to Pink Agate. She also makes up Purple Opal, though after Red Agates shattering the fusion hasn’t been seen since.

While Pink hides her eyes, Blue Lace doesn’t. She has very sharp teeth.