


10 months, 11 days ago


🍎 Merri 🍎

Merri Apple Jones

Dog ~ Yellow Labrador Retriever




Late Teens / Early 20's

Merri Apple Jones is a sporty, smug, and unceasingly sassy gal from a small town who’s out to cut her own giant slice of the good old American dream. When she’s around, it’s either her way or the highway, and she means it. Merri’s a rough and tough little thing who isn’t afraid to get her hands dirty and she lives her life swearing by pride and tradition.

SKIN- short, light yellow fur
HAIR- long, wavy dirty-blonde
EYES- light blue

BODY DESCRIPTION- Short and curvy, but surprisingly tough with a fairly athletic build. Her body is mostly humanoid, with dog features coming through mainly in her face, hands, and feet.
CLOTHING PREFERENCES- Merri wears pretty much anything within the overall Americana aesthetic, typically leaning to a more country style or an “80’s American summer” type of vibe. She loves denim and clothes/accessories with decorative fringe. She often wears hats and other head accessories and usually has on a pair of either sneakers or boots. She likes to accessorize her outfits and also isn’t afraid to show some skin. She almost always wears red lipstick.

DESIGN NOTES- The highlights in her eyes are always a star with three little stripes. ★ She has little brown birthmarks on her face. I’d say she has some on her body too, but only the ones on her face I (usually) remember to consistently draw in the same spots lol ★ Though not visible in her main ref, she has brown paw pads (same color as her nose/birthmarks) on her hands and feet.

BASIC TRAITS- smug, sassy, charming, proud, tough, bold, playful, talkative, free-spirited
      Merri is very proud of who she is and where she came from. She has a very strong personality, and it can be a bit tough to get along with her at times because of it. Although she’s a playful and charming girl, she’s also incredibly brash and outspoken, not allowing herself to be held back by anyone or anything. When she wants something, you better believe she’s gonna find a way to go and get it, even if it means taking crazy risks and doing things “the hard way”. Though this daring nature often gets her in trouble, Merri’s just as good at getting herself out of it using her signature wit and charm.
      Socially, Merri is a fearless extrovert. She loves to talk and won’t hesitate to strike up a chat with a stranger. She hates being in the background and will always fight to be the one in control of a situation or conversation; she’s definitely a leader-type, not a follower. With her frequent smug quips and sarcastic jabs, she can easily come across as mean, even when it isn’t her intention (plenty of times it definitely is her intention though lol). Even so, she’s pretty popular and has many friends, both male and female. Merri is the type of girl that likes to flaunt her femininity, but otherwise acts somewhat tomboyish.
      She’s single, but despite her revealing clothing and overall alluring appearance, Merri isn’t one to quickly dive into romance. Though plenty of men crush over her and she could have any one of them if she wanted, she isn’t willing to give away her love and her body so easily (another result of her prideful nature) and instead chooses to take romance slow and wait for “the right guy”.

LIKES- cherry Coke, apple pie, the color red, rock & roll and country music, talking, hanging out with friends, cars
DISLIKES- silence, rainy weather, being taken advantage of, anything “too fancy”, video games

HOBBIES & SKILLS- Merri loves all things active and outdoors: playing sports, camping, picnics and barbecues, pool/beach parties, driving/offroading, and just walking around in the park. Her favorite sport is baseball (she’s pretty damn good at it, too!). She’s decent at cooking and baking thanks to her mother and has a good understanding of mechanic and craftsman work from watching her dad. She also plays acoustic guitar as a relaxing hobby.

  • She grew up being called many different variations of her name as a nickname ( AJ, RiRi, Jonesy, etc.) with AJ being the most commonly used and her favorite of the bunch.
  • She drives a red Jeep with a black soft top. It's probably also covered in mud lol. #jeepgang
  • She’s pretty much addicted to Coca-Cola. She's also a big fan of milkshakes and sugary drinks in general.
  • She works part time at a diner while she figures out what she wants to do for a career.
  • Scotch bought her a pair of roller skates so that he could give her skating lessons. He also mails her elaborate letters/poems each week :3.
  • She will pick a fight with a guy twice her size if she needs to.
  • Her birthday is July 4th because of course it is lmao.

You might not expect the very chatty Merri and the quiet Scotch to be such good friends, but they just seem to get each other. Scotch helps Merri to be more considerate and shows her much-needed ways to pipe down and relax while she, in turn, helps him to be more vocal and adventurous.
Most of Merri’s friends throughout her life have been sassy, outspoken girls like herself, so she didn’t realize just how much she needed a guy like Scotch until the two started getting close… Could it be love? <3

Because they both love the outdoors, Merri and Sunny often see each other in the park and such. She thinks they’re just a cute little friendly kid :3