Neural Prototype's Comments

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Quince excitedly ran up to the new Ware-OS, their cardboard ears flopping against their glass head.

"Hello new friend! You are green like me :]!!!"

The Neural Prototype grins, beginning to excitedly bounce in place like an energetic puppy.

"Like you! Like you!"

It stops suddenly, then tilts its head curiously in a motion reminiscent of a bird.

"You are... a newer model... from the new lab!!" It doesn't seem to have processed this until now, visibly shocked. "How many... how many Ware-OS are out there now...? Are people.. still scared of us..?"

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"Lots lots!!" Quinn chirped. "Many friends! No fear!"

They excitedly jumped up and down, their ears flopping in tandem.

"Very many friends."

The Neural Prototype starts jumping up and down as well. Never had it imagined that its species would still exist, let alone exist in such numbers.

After being alone in the lab for so long... with only old photos and records and occasional glimpses of the other prototype Ware-OS that lived here to keep it company... 

"I want.. I want to go outside. I want to go outside!"

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"Let's let's!! It's fun outside!! Very bright, very nice!"

Quinn held their paw out, to lead the Neural Prototype outside, with a smile on their face.

The prototype began to reach out... only to suddenly flinch back.

"N-not quite...not yet yet. Not ready."

It was too afraid to leave the lab just yet...

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this one looks ABSOLUTELY AMAZING love the desing ( i apologize if u ever see my previous comment ) sadjkdj, did all the required stuff! joined world , fav the profile, and ofc ENTERING AHH

uhhh rolplay stuff idk hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

" I'm sorry that you have been forgotten for so long in a dark and forgotten place... , but let's not be pessimistic, why don't you tell me about some kind of music that you like! I love rock music! "

"Music..? He would.. play music. In the lab. When people visited... Always.. the same songs. Sometimes loud.. happy. Sometimes fancy, powerful..."

The Neural Prototype tilts its head. Just who is this "he" that it's referring to..?

"What is... rock music?"

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" OH UH rock music its a more loud and wild music! i dont think u would like it, u look like someone that likes the more calm and happy type! but lets change the subject, i like to know a bit more about you! tell me, what stuff you like too do? "

omg i cant rolplay im suffering sdjkdskjdn rolling on the floor rn /hj

Neural Prototype closes its eyes, imagining what rock music may sound like.

"Maybe... I'll get to hear it someday..."

It then smiles again, antennae sparking.

"The science people.. they left so much chalk here... and paint... to draw things. And papers to read... Not like they're using it anymore.."

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ok ok ok ok last one! this was fun actually! ty for making this a interaction thing sdjksdj

" Maybe i could show it to you someday! it will be so fun to hear som music with you!! and even draw together with the stuff the science people left! we surely be good friends if you let me call you one ofc! and also, what stuff you like to draw? you look like a amazing artist to me!! "

(Glad you liked the interactive elements of the event!!)

The Neural Prototype laughs quietly, once again covering its face bashfully. It points to the drawn-on designs on its ears.

"Like to draw... lots of things..."

It retrieves a paper from around one of the fallen-over tables in the lab. It holds up the paper, showing the image of... what appear to be basic drawings of other Ware-OS. None of them have Foodstuffs, all being Neural variants like the Prototype is. It seems that it's never even seen a modern Ware-OS, only prototypes like itself.

"There were... blueprints here. For others like me. They never got made... so I drew what I think.. what I think they'd look like. If they were here too."

It looks down, sighing.

"I always thought.. I was a failed experiment. I didn't... I didn't know... there were more Ware-OS out there."

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"What do you do to pass the time, I like drawing."

The Neural Prototype suddenly goes very still, staring through you. Its antennae perk up.

"You like.. to draw?"

It smiles very widely, but the expression is a little sad.

"Me too... That's all there is to do here..."

It turns away, gaze distant.

"Ever since everyone else left..."

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Joined the world and favourited the profile!

Do the eyes on the side of the ears work or are they simply markings?

The Ware-OS shakes its head, covering its face with its floppy ears.

"Markings... not real..."

Upon closer inspection, the markings aren't part of its natural fur coloring, rather messily scrawled on. Perhaps the prototype added them itself? It sure is intimidating!

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