🕯️ Mo Hawke & Indie



10 months, 18 days ago

Basic Info

Belongs to Nuri
OPEN for Art (High Priority)
OPEN for Writing (High Priority)


Full Name Mololuwa Hawke
Goes By Mo, Hawke, Prickles, Champion of Kirkwall
Starting Age 25 (Start of DA2)
Gender Cis Woman (she/her)
Race/Ethnicity Human/Elf (Ferelden)
Class Fire / Blood Mage
Home Kirkwall
Orientation Bi

Art Fight Profile
Playlist Link
Ship Playlist Link







Personality: Loyal (if you earn it), Confident, Clever with words, Obstinate, Petty, Theatrical, Impulsive, Selectively Compassionate

Likes: Fire, Cats, Misunderstood animals, Cutesy fashion, Making a statement, Alcohol, Gambling, Blue and Purple

Dislikes: The Chantry, The Qun, Being told she's not an elf, People calling Indie (or Justice) a demon, Mage/elf oppression in general

Design Notes

Physical Appearance:

  • More-or-less human-passing (just looks like a short human with big ears and eyes)
  • Dark brown skin
  • BIG, dark brown monolid eyes
  • Soft, oval-shaped face
  • Nose is very flat and fairly small
  • Really short for a human (5'0")
  • Pear-shaped (small shoulders/chest but big hips/thighs)

Clothing and Equipment:

  • Always has at least one flower in her hair (unless she's like... sleeping), though the type of flower varies
  • When relaxing, she wears frilly feminine clothing in various shades of blue and purple
  • In combat or while adventuring, she wears mage robes and boots like the ones in her main ref
  • She uses this staff

Character Notes


  • Her birth mom was a city elf who wasn't ready for kids, so Mo was raised by her dad and his new (fully human) family.

Other Info:

  • Associated tarot card is The Tower
  • She HATES being human-passing and gets angry when folks assume she's pure human (she chose her short hairstyle in hopes of making her larger-than-average ears more noticeable)
  • She's super bitter towards her step mom and half siblings but was on mostly good terms with her dad
  • She became a blood mage mostly out of spite, with the help of a spirit (NOT demon!!) of individuality
    • Later accidentally gets possessed by said spirit -- they're both distressed about it at first, but they quickly learn to share a body and make rather a good team once they've adjusted
  • When she's not using blood magic, she mostly uses fire magic
  • Varric calls her Prickles because she's "like a rosebush -- pretty on the outside, painful if you stick your hand in"
  • Aggressive towards enemies and virtually anyone affiliated with the Chantry. Snarky towards most allies and potential allies. Gentle and kind towards Merrill and cats.
    • You've heard of "red/blue/purple Hawke", get ready for... whatever the heck this is.