JJK Luna (QnA)



Jujutsu Kaisen Interview with MMQN

Description: This is a QnA regarding my fan characters for the Jujutsu Kaisen series by Gege Akutami.

Interview about Luna

Q: How was Luna falsely registered as a grade 1 sorcerer when she is mentioned to be an unregistered special grade?

A: Luna was recommended by a clan member that was working as a sorcerer at the time (grade 1) and in order to make her pass undetected as much as possible he entered into a Binding Vow with her to minimize her cursed energy enough to pass as a grade 1 so when the Vow would be lifted it wouldn't be too odd about how strong she and her cursed energy is.

Q: How does Luna and her family know the Falling Blossom Emotion technique unbeknownst to the 3 sorcerer families?

A: Abe-no-Seimei was part of Lunas clan and when he was young he studied in the Kamo household.

Q: Has anything changed for Luna from the original idea of her to her actual creation debut?

A: Kind of yes, Luna was supposed to be 25 years old, I changed that the very last minute after pondering about it for some time because of some jokes I wanted to have, public and private ones and because i wanted her to be close both with the students and adults and she also was supposed to be wearing only and almost 24/7 a mask like the ones in High-Rise Invasion but i changed it into her wearing various different masks including those.

Q: Luna was a Tokyo student for 2 and a half years, how did she not meet Gojo in that time?

A: Luna is more or less a hikikomori (shut-in). That was pretty much her life in China and Kyoto too. When she was transferred to Tokyo she more or less stayed the same so add that to not having him as her teacher ever plus his own leaves for work, they were doomed to not meet each other.

Q: So how did they meet after all?

A: Luna was looking around for Ijichi after she was called back to the school to prepare for when December (and hyakki yako) would come.

Q: Was Luna homeschooled as a child?

A: Yes and no. She wasn't entirely homeschooled, at some point she attended a local school but that had its own difficulties.

Q: Is Luna an (unregistered) special grade even though her technique wouldn't be able to overthrow a country single handedly because she is able to host Daji that with her power she could?

A: Yes and no, Luna holds many secrets.

Q: Isn't the clan secretive and adamant to stay in hiding? How was a very well known figure (Abe-no-Seimei) part of their clan?

A: He was another vessel of Daji so the clan couldn't just excommunicate or disown him when he became famous but even with that "blight" in their history of one public figure it was never possible to trace his family tree roots.

Q: Luna is an otaku, how does she feel that someone from her Clan is a big figure in many media?

A: She doesn't know, neither do any of the clan members that weren't alive at the same time he lived and those that were hid the fact.

Q: She's mentioned to occasionally draw, what type of drawings does she do?

A: Nothing too serious, it's usually drawing flowers/cartoon-ish animals or just using colorbooks and/or canvasses with numbered colors, when she was in Greece before though she did visit some historical ruins and sketched them out.

Q: What was Gojo Satoru's first impression of Luna?

A: Helluva hair.

Q: She has a very light complexion, does that mean she gets burned easily from the sun?

A: Funnily enough she tans instead of burn.

Q: Is Lunas technique an inherited technique?

A: Yes, as a matter of fact every jujutsu sorcerer born in Lunas clan has the inherited technique just with some differences, like different weaknesses.

Q: Luna has very long hair, is she attached to it?

A: Not really, she would actually cut it in a heartbeat if the mood striked her, it's just hair after all so it can grow again, but she's kind of "protective" with it regarding who can generally touch or style it.

Q: Can Luna understand Japanese dialects?

A: It's tricky, sometimes she even gets confused with the Kyoto dialect. (laughs)

Q: May we know her 3 sizes?

A: B105, W89, H112 (it's cm).

Q: How long does it take for the victim to experience their first death inside of Luna's Domain Expansion?

A: Less than a second.

Q: Why does Luna cover her face by wearing various different masks?

A: I just wanted to draw masks.

Q: At what age did Luna reach special grade level even if she's unregistered?

A: Regarding what concerns Daji more or less at the age of 11.

Q: Wouldn't Luna and Gojo had met through the goodwill event?

A: No because Luna never participated, every time she wound up sick or was out cold because of menstruation.

Q: Does Luna live in the technical college dorm?

A: Yes, although not on the room she had as a student.

Q: How is Luna's general relationship with the other adults?

A: Mei Mei and Nanami will often forget how younger Luna is until something is mentioned pointing it out, likewise Luna has the same "issue" with some of the other adults thinking they are much closer in age.

Q: What's her relationship with Daji?

A: She hates Daji so when Rika was dubbed Queen of Curses she mocked her about it.

Q: She was raised in China but also studied in Japan, is she bilingual?

A: Luna can fluently speak Japanese, Chinese, Greek and English.

Q: Does she have any odd things she does?

A: When laid down unironically will put the back of her hand on her forehead or while resting her head on her arm gives herself headpats or even puts her hand over her face pressing her index and thumb on her cheeks sometimes even making her lips purse with the action of pressing and relaxing.

Q: Does Luna dislike Mei Mei?

A: No she doesn't, she is neutral about her and is uncomfortable with solely because of Mei Mei's personality.

Q: What was her reaction to the crater in Shibuya created by Sukuna?

A: Just a feeling of emptiness, she's "sad" for the lives lost (minus one) from a humanitarian standpoint but it doesn't affect her any deeper than that.

Q: Why is her jacket similar to Gojo's?

A: Her fashion sense is.. interesting and after graduation while helping around the school she thought she should look more proper than go around with animal print or anime shirts etc so she decided to be wearing something neutral and brought a similar jacket to his to "finish" the pants-bodysuit combination of her outfit.

Q: Why does she have a foreign name?

A: Her mother liked the name so she gave it to her plus people take it as an alias like Mei Mei and Ui Ui's rather than her given name.

Q: Is Luna the head of her clan?

A: No.


Interview about Daji

Q: Why does Daji's domain expansion look like the forbidden city when she existed way before it was constructed?

A: What makes you think that the forbidden city wasn't modeled after her domain expansion? (laughs)

Q: When Daji is being hosted by many different people of Luna's Clan is she awake in one of them and lying dormant to the rest like Sukuna and his ingested fingers?

A: Daji is conscious through all her vessels similarly to a hivemind.

Q: Does Daji like to use makeup or dress up?

A: Yes, back in the time she was alive (Shang Dynasty, 1600 to 1046 BCE, 11th BC century, Bronze Age China) rouge for the lips and cheeks already existed, her favourite time was at the Tang Dynasty because of all the bold and extravagant makeup.

Q: What is one thing that she doesn't like about her current host?

A: Luna isn't big if at all into makeup or dressing up so Daji doesn't get a look or experience with it either.

Q: Supposing Daji will perish if she can't revive her vessel why has no one in Luna's clan gone forth with it?

A: They don't trust that method making it risky to try and see if it'd happen or if it would trigger something releasing her instead similarly to how her cursed objects cannot be sealed away normally.

Q: Does Daji know Sukuna?

A: Only through his infamy of the Japanese bestowing him the title King of Curses but she finds him pretty weak and pathetic after she learned his cursed object fingers were easily sealed away by talismans.

Q: Why is Daji called Mother Empress of Curses?

A: Mother because of how many curses were "birthed" because of her and after she became a curse her authoritative nature and Empress because of her strength and previous status as the emperors concubine.

Q: Is anyone able to ingest Daji's cursed objects or are they poisonous like Sukuna's?

A: I think Sukuna's fingers being poisonous is tied to him as being the king of poisons, Daji is able to be ingested by anyone but would kill them from the inside for amusement or displeasure if she didn't choose to take over the body, she can't do that to Luna and her Clan members though because of their cursed technique working as her cage next to the binding Vow their ancestor forced upon her.