Blanche Bennet



10 months, 16 days ago


Amnestria Kira Odinokova

Called Amnestria, Steward of Zolieth

Gender genderfluid

Pronouns she/he/they

Orientation bisexual

Age 19

Race Nevera-Born Human

Role Steward of Zolieth

Theme Birthday Kid - Mili

HTML Pinky


Amnestria is the first steward of the god Zolieth. They were raised in a convent from an early age and their interest in science and experimentation made them a prime candidate for stewardship. After beating out every other competitor during her stewardship trials, Amnestria spent about three years recovering from injuries sustained during them and awaiting her first meeting with Zolieth. Amnestria's stewardship remains a controversial topic among the citizens of the realm due to accusations of her murdering her main competitor in order to win, despite the trials having been set up in such a way as to avoid loss of life. Now his focus is on fitting in with the other stewards and doing everything she can to meet expectations and be the steward Zolieth deserves.


Height 6'

Eyes green

Hair Color black

Hair Style loose half-up half-down

Demeanor disciplined, assertive


  • Amnestria frequently wears a veil-like headband to add a layer of formality to her outfit.
  • The tatoos covering Amnestria's left arm symbolize their dedication to Zolieth. She got them to draw attention away from her scarring.
  • A failed experiment Amnestria attempted in order to fix their eyes left them with permanent eye damage; aside from their now glowing pupils of different sizes, they are also more sensitive to bright lights and sometimes go temporarily blind.
  • Amnestria has several scars marring her face and body; all are from her final trial.
  • One of Amnestria's upper canines is misaligned.


Friendly Reserved
Polite Blunt
Clever Foolish
Sensitive Tough
Brave Timid
Careful Reckless
Sincere Deceptive
Diligent Lazy
Calm Irritable
Humorous Serious

Amnestria tends to be more on the uptight side due to her perfectionism and severe anxiety about living up to expectations. This also leads her to be generally serious and hard-working. However, she does display some recklessness especially when the only chance of risk is to herself. Her anxiety and rigid personality cause her to be somewhat irritable, although she will not show this in the presence of other stewards or Zolieth. Amnestria is extremely courageous, mostly because she's confident in her fighting abilities and because she believes she has no room to be afraid. Amnestria generally dislikes any sort of lying and prefers to avoid that when possible. Despite her wish to become closer to the other stewards, Amnestria has a hard time connecting to them due to her worries that they will not accept her friendship. She does not make friends easily and tends to put people off with her intimidating demeanor and direct words.


Experiments and Projects

Amnestria enjoys working with Zolieth on projects and experiments. It's both relaxing and her favorite way of connecting to him.

Working With the Stewards

Amnestria finds a lot of happiness in interacting with the other stewards; their friendship means everything to her


Amnestria bonds with some of the stewards this way and it's her favorite way of relieving stress.


Amnestria is a nerd. They love learning new things and working through problems in their free time.


Being Questioned

Amnestria hates her judgement being questioned, being underestimated, and anything of the sort. She will argue (unless it is to someone higher up than her, such as Zolieth) and may even insist on doing things her way if she believes that is the best option.


Amnestria's final trial left her with an intense hatred of dirt. She frequently smells of disinfecting products and will meticulously scrub down her living space when she has the chance. She refuses to wear stained or dirty clothes and will become upset if someone tracks dirt inside or gets her dirty. Mud is the worst for her; she hates seeing and smelling it. Amnestria also becomes incredibly antsy if she's unable to clean herself for a long stretch of time.


Amnestria is not a fan of Keenal's steward. Their interactions are tense and hostile; Amnestria wants them to stay far away from her and the rest of the stewards and dislikes working with them.


Due to her fear of losing her position, Amnestria is somewhat of a stickler for certain rules. She hesitates to do anything that would be considered improper or that would cause gossip. Others dragging her into messy situations irks her.




Amnestria tends to speak clearly and directly, although their speech speeds up when they're upset or annoyed. Their voice is low and calm but with slightly unnerving edge to it. They tend to be overly formal, adressing others with some sort of honorific or title even when it's not necessary.


Amnestria's calm demeanor hides their extreme feelings of stress. Their anxiety most often manifests as increased irritability and as a result, Amnestria has a short temper which they can only effectively hide when they are dealing with someone higher up than them. Amnestria very rarely cries because that would mean admitting that something is wrong. Furthermore, he deals with a lot of paranoia surrounding others trying to take his position or to get him in trouble. He deals with his complicated feelings by throwing herself into training and work.

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Amnestria was born to an earthling mother and a Nevera-born father. Her father abandoned her mother before she was born and so Amnestria was raised by her mother and maternal grandmother for a little while. The death of her grandmother left Amnestria's mother deeply distressed and she left Amnestria in a convent run by Mother Magdalena until she could properly care for her again. Unfortunately she passed soon after (reason unknown).

Mother Magdalena gave Amnestria her name, replacing "Kira". Amnestria quickly proved to be an intelligent and curious kid. Mother Magdalena supported her in her desire to learn, seeing it as proof of her dedication to the god Zolieth. She provided her with books and materials, even setting up a small home-lab in the convent for Amnestria to run experiments. At the age of ten, an orphan by the name of Vasya was taken in by the convent and she quickly became one of Amnestria's closest friends, along with a set of twins named Sarka and Kanna. Vasya, who was extremely religious, frequently made Amnestria pray with her so they could show their dedication to Zolieth. Despite Amnestria's lack of desire to participate in the more religious aspect of being in Zolieth's following, she participated in such activities to support her friend. In return, Amnestria tried to get Vasya interested in the sciences, but even Vasya could not match Amnestria's intelligence.

When Amnestria was fifteen, a realm-wide set of trials was announced in order to select Zolieth's first steward, and Mother Magdalena, eager for Amnestria to reach her full potential, convinced Amnestria to join. Vasya joined too, hoping to prove her extreme dedication to Zolieth by becoming his steward.

Steward Trials

The steward trials took place over the course of about two years, starting when Amnestria was fifteen and lasting until Amnestria's seventeenth birthday. The first trial involved a lengthy series of written and spoken exams, where candidates were made to solve a number of math and science-related problems in a variety of ways. This eliminated the majority of the candidates, leaving a small group including Amnestria, Vasya, and several others.

Following this was the second trial, in which candidates were asked to preform series of experiments as well as come up with their own scientific projects. Under pressure to perform not just well, but without any flaws, Amnestria stopped sleeping in order to work nonstop on her project, meant to fix her less-than-stellar eyesight. Unfortunately, the lack of sleep caused her to make a critical mistake and the mixture she made did not work as intended: while it did fix her eyesight, it also made her eyes much more sensitive than before. As a result, was left with glowing white pupils with the left one being permanently dilated. She gained a sensitivity to bright light and extreme dark, especially in her left eye. Additionally, her eyes began to have frequent twitching spells, causing her irises to jerk around sporadically more often than not. She was unable to see at all for a few months and only completed the rest of the second trial with the aid of Sarka and Kanna, to whom she dictated instructions to run her experiments. The sole other candidate to finish the second trial was Vasya, who only managed to do so because of Amnestria's help. To this point, Amnestria did not see the trials as a competition and was more than willing to help her friend.

The final trial changed everything. Structured as an in depth and lengthy obstacle course, this trial was meant to test the candidates' physical strength and stamina. Amnestria regained her vision partially in one eye a few days before the trial. Following this, Vasya approached Amnestria and explained she felt it was her divine calling to serve Zolieth as his steward. She pointed out that Amnestria had never shown the religious dedication that Vasya had and that the position rightfully belonged to her. She argued that Amnestria was not well-suited for the role but admitted that she was much stronger and faster than Vasya was. Vasya pleaded for Amnestria to forfeit to her.

Mother Magdalena overheard the conversation and became alarmed, as she was extremely invested in Amnestria becoming the steward, viewing it as a realization of her potential and the best way for Amnestria to live a fulfilling life. She decided to take matters into her own hands by taking Amnestria aside and threatening them. Either they completed that final trial and beat Vasya, or Mother Magdalena would kill Amnestria to save her the shame of losing.

Horrified and deeply distressed about the her mother figure's betrayal, Amnestria promised she would win. Amnestria also struggled to understand that people could lie to her, making her unable to realize that perhaps Magdalena was bluffing. Amnestria decided to prioritize her life over her friendship with Vasya, even though the thought of hurting her friend unnerved her.

Right before the trial began, Vasya again approached Amnestria and demanded that she forfeit. Amnestria refused, citing Mother Magdalena's threat. During the trial, Amnestria's partial loss of vision kept her from getting too far ahead of Vasya. Vasya caught up to Amnestria during a portion of the obstacle course that was held in a wooded area and demanded for a third time that Amnestria forfeit. When Amnestria refused again, Vasya pulled a knife on her. Despite Amnestria having spent more time training to fight, Vasya was still able to injure her extensively because Amnestria refused to fight back. Her survival instincts kicked in however and Amnestria was able to push Vasya away - causing the girl to slip on the ground, which had become muddy from rain, and fall into a shallow ravine. The fall was fatal and Amnestria could not reach Vasya before she died.

Traumatized and injured, Amnestria became desperate to justify all that she had endured. She concluded that everything she had gone through was in order to become Zolieth's steward and that she needed to complete the trial. Because of her injured leg, Amnestria was forced to crawl the last ten miles of the course. She did so despite the heavy rain and her multiple wounds. Amnestria ended by crossing the finish line, getting to her feet at the winner's podium and loudly demanding Zolieth (who, unbeknownst to her, was not in attendance) if he was watching her. She then passed out and spent an extended period of time asleep and in recovery. Much to her anger, she was informed when she awoke that Zolieth had neither witnessed the trials nor arranged to meet her. Furthermore, rumors spread that Amnestria had been involved in an altercation with Vasya and had purposely murdered her competitor in order to cement her win. Unable to talk about the incident, Amnestria decided to just play along with this theory.

Amnestria spent the next two years recovering from her injuries and preparing to take her place as Zolieth's steward. During this time Amnestria moved into a small house close to the palace so she could be ready at any moment to meet Zolieth. Her friends Sarka and Kanna accompanied her in order to facilitate her recovery and keep an eye on her. Amnestria gradually recovered vision in both her eyes, although the sensitivity in her eyes remained. She also recieved more direct training for her role as a steward. Amnestria was given no indication as to when she would meet Zolieth and therefore had to be ready at any given moment. This left her with a deep feeling of bitterness and resentment towards him, especially after over a year passed with no word. Plagued by nightmares, bouts of depression and extreme anger, and fits of paranoia, Amnestria threw herself into training. Finally, a little after she turned nineteen, Amnestria was finally summoned to meet the other stewards and then Zolieth himself.


Amnestria met the other stewards in time for her first group mission with them, which involved retrieving the Valcena, the steward of the slumber god Keenal Tue Nox. Despite the rough start, Amnestria was more or less accepted into the group. When they returned to Greywind, Amnestria finally got to meet Zolieth. She was left feeling confused when Zolieth greeted her wamrly, even going as far as hugging her and speaking kindly towards her. Unable to comprehend how he could be so kind when he had also left her to rot for two years, Amnestria decided that he was testing her and remained wary and distrustful of him. Even so, she behaved politely out of fear of of being cast out.

Soon after, Greywind faced a huge attack by supporters of Keenal Tue Nox. Overwhelmed by the sheer number of adversaries, Amnestria, Zolieth, and the rest of the stewards were forced to retreat. Unfortunately they were unable to escape and Amnestria died trying to fulfill her duty and protect Zolieth, having been shot in the abdomen.

Soon after, Zolieth paired and merged the souls of the stewards in order to bring them back to life. Amnestria's soul was merged with that of Chester, steward of Akrill Del Col.

During the events of Hybrid Souls, Amnestria's relationship with the rest of the stewards and Zolieth improves immensely.





Zolieth, the One Eyed Prince


Despite her initial misgivings, Amnestria warms up to Zolieth over time and comes to trust him. Her dedication to him knows no bounds and she cares for him deeply. Over the course of Hybrid Souls, her sense of duty to Zolieth is replaced by her love and care towards him.


Chester, Steward of Akrill


Chester is the first to openly greet Amnestria and express happiness in her addition to the group. Following the massacre at Greywind castle, Amnestria and Chester's souls are bound in order to bring them both back to life, making it so that both are impacted by any injuries one recieves. Amnestria cares immensely about Chester's wellbeing, which in turn forces her to check her recklessness lest she accidentally hurt him. Her worst fear is causing him pain through something happening to her. She's grateful she can consider him a friend and appreciates his kindness towards her.


Fain, Steward of Cailset


Amnestria and Fain had a rough start - Amnestria isn't sure why he's so harsh to her, but the only thing keeping her from snapping at him is the knowledge that he has been a steward for longer than her. Still, the two manage to overcome their differences and have something like a brother-sister relationship. Amnestria will only grudgingly admit to caring about Fain's well being. She enjoys sparring with him for training.


Ija, Steward of Kogmir


Amnestria holds a lot of respect for Ija, both because of his long-time position as steward and because of his ability to remain calm no matter the situation. Since he's the unofficial leader of the stewards, Amnestria hopes to earn his approval through her strategies and helping during missions.


Valcena, Steward of Keenal Tue Nox


Amnestria dislikes Valcena intensely. Their rudeness towards her has left her annoyed and unwilling to get along with them. Furthermore, she doesn't understand why they're treated as an official steward when their god is considered an adversary. Valcena's habit of causing injury to her fellow stewards leaves her with very little sympathy towards them.


Raknah, Steward of Bahari


Raknah was the first steward to try to connect with Amnestria, although things went sour towards the end. Still, Amnestria holds a lot of respect towards the eldest steward, appreciates his openness with her and hopes to become better friends with him. She admires his ability to persist despite his permanent blindness.


Alviva, Steward of Uldrick


Amnestria isn't quite sure what to make of Alviva. She can't get a read on him and this leaves her confused as to whether he accepts her as part of the group or not. She hopes to get to know him better someday. His role as a fellow steward leaves her inclined to think positively of him despite how little she knows about him.


Winnie, Steward of Alpheaus


Amnestria is simlutaneously horrified that a young child is steward and amazed that he's able to keep up so well. Amnestria acts as a sort of big sister to him. She tries to strike a balance between treating him with respect as a fellow steward and treating him his age. Since she's used to dealing with kids of all ages from her time in the convent, Amnestria is pretty comfortable talking to him.