Nicandra (Akllasisa Amaru)



6 years, 3 months ago


General Information:


Sex: Female


Nationality: Peruvian/Quechua 


Country of Origin: Peru 


Original Name: Akllasisa Amaru


(I'm  not sure of her DoB yet, I need to first know when Theatre will take  place. Yes, it is LARGELY a WIP project.)


Birthday: July 17


Physical Appearance: Nicandra  is about 5'7, with a somewhat curvacous yet still svelte and lean  build. Eyes are a dark brown colour; midsize and almond shaped with  somewhat heavy lids. Her eyebrows are somewhat thick and arched, and are  quite expressive. Slightly long nose with a small hook that doesn't  widen at the bottom. Midsize mouth with heart shaped lips of a medium  thickness; small dimples on both cheeks. Face shape is a heart, with a  somewhat dark complexion and very smooth skin which she prides herself  in. Features are always painted a very dour expression. Somewhat long,  very thick, somewhat wavy very dark brown hair that is often tied in a  braid. She also sports long messy bangs.

Downfall: He was in a duel with Juan Bartolomé,  which he won, but was incredibly injured (which is why he sports so  many scars in the Garden). He then proceeded to leap from a high cliff.

 PersonalityAt  first impression, Nicandra is will be perceived as a rude, antisocial,  blunt and always dour woman. Speaking very bluntly and condescendingly,  she even goes so far as to snap at others when she's complimented.  Indeed, she has a strong personal pride, but is more lax about it; it is  not that she is insecure and so hates praise, but feels there is no  need for it. Nicandra sports a very frugal mindset, and has had many  grating experiences that have given her a sort of wisdom; however, her  typical mindset is to simply push all others away, as she feels as if  they are mere obstacles and just get in the way of greater  accomplishments. Having grown up with a rough childhood, Nicandra finds  no use for feelings or any creator of them, including other people, and  has a general hatred for humanity. Despite this, she is also an  extrovert by nature, and understands people extremely well. Oftentimes  she will appear oblivious while others converse, but is actually paying  much attention as she is indeed a very observant girl, and will suddenly  mention exactly what one of the others was thinking, or about to say.  She also enjoys conversations with others, but only when they are a  benefit to her (though notably, she avoids eye contact and feels  uncomfortable in face-to-face situations), as well as clever wordplay,  being rather intelligent. Despite her hatred of humanity, and often only  begrudgingly admitted to herself, Nicandra has a kind heart and very  occasionally will feel extremely inclined to help others; part of why  she dislikes being kind is that she thinks of herself as more of a  vigilante or loner, and is afraid that getting caught up with people  will not only slow her down, but hurt her. She is seemingly always on a  mission, and is very ambitious, often not even making time for herself.  Another facet of her personality that is rather odd is her fascination  with fashion as well as botany; if anyone mentions either of these, she  becomes an extreme know-it-all and will not let anyone else speak on the  topic. Nicandra also swears an awful lot; due to her fear of kindness  toward herself and others, she usually takes insults in this regard as  compliments, loving most to be called a “bad bitch”.

Background:  (I'll update it when I get a chance to work on it ... please bear with me ; ~ ; )

Relationships (Theatre): -Despises Mitsuki.

-She  and Kuro get along decently, but have the tendency to fight. They  almost went out together several times, but always decided against it  due to both of them having abrasive natures.

-She is frequently annoyed by Marjorie and Ramona.

ToNE: -She is very much hated by Cactus and Liu, and so dislikes them both.

-Gets along quite well with Cantua, and Madrono to a degree.

-Doesn't particularly like Orquidea or Suzie.

Fun Facts: Fashion  style typically features many colours, though all are muted, being  either pastel or shadowy. She also enjoys utilising many layers, and  frequently bases her clothes on flowers and plants.

-Nicandra is a big fan of the Language of Flowers.

-Likes  to be called a heartbraker, bad bitch, and many other "insulting"  titles. She frequently insults others, though without much feeling  behind it.

-She is generally admired but not on a personal level.

-In Myers-Briggs, she is an ENTP.

-She  is well known for having beautiful hair, but since she's very vain, she  doesn't ever let anyone touch or mess with it. She doesn't even go to  hair salons unless she very much trusts the person.

-She  is basically an "extreme seamstress"; oftentimes if someone mentions  something about sewing, she will be transformed into an extreme  know-it-all and will start correcting them and spouting off her  knowledge of sewing. This is also one of the only times when she  actually smiles/looks happy.

SpOiLeR AlErT - her family consistently honoured two of their ancestors from long  before; twin sisters from the 1500s, frequently referred to as the  guardians/twin mothers of their line. The tale of the sisters was long  and winding, but according to the legends, part of what inspired them to  work their many great deeds was the avenging of the death of their  brother; the only reason this was related to anyone was due to a book  written by a man named Hugo Bartolome, who told the tale all the way  back in the sisters' lifetime (though he never knew them himself) from  the perspective of his little brother who allegedly knew the heroic  brother of the twins. Many events in the story were a bit exaggerated or  fabricated, however, so the tale differs from Spanish and Peruvian  points of view.

SpOiLeR AlErT; she was actually going to be chosen by New Eden, but she died too early and the timeline was interfered with.

I  don't know what to put for confusing elements, so ask me if you need to  know anything! I will, of course, be soon looking for art  of her, so I would appreciate any questions you may have ^_^