


10 months, 6 days ago

Basic Info


Adult (about 20).


Demon Angel? ???


Around 5 feet or 150cm.


Female (she/her).

Physical Characteristics

Half black and white body. Black sclera, long gray hair with strands of white. Fluffy eyebrow thing, mouth full of sharp teeth. Gold halo, white dress thing. Barefoot. Has a second, canine-like head protruding from a tail appendage.



Battle Info

Attempts to perform the role of a healer, though she quickly gets fed up with not being able to do anything and quickly resorts to violence. Uses a lance with a handful of Savvies.


Sylvie is an overwhelming effulgent creature, born with "the loving hand of Life and the crushing hand of Death". In need of a place to settle down, she came across the couple KNO3 and Miru, who've welcomed her with open arms. They've been teaching her the good art of combat, and she aims to join her surrogate mothers in the "purifying" business. Her hair is made of a strange fiber that can be molded into wings should she need them. She also has the ability to create portals. Her second head is named Holly.


Her weapon, a lance, is named "Frau Platin". She is best utilized using her weapon to attack, and using one of her competences when needed.

Pom-Poms (10 CmP/1WU, 1CD) - Heals a bit of HP. Also boosts team morale. Has a range of one ally to all allies.
Triple Wingbeat (10 CmP) - Flap your wings. Special attack of low impact, hits all enemies thrice.
Major Arcana IVĀ (40 CmP) - Mildly heals HP and CmP. Has a range of one ally to all allies. Has a chance to create a barrier around an ally that blocks magical attacks.
Spiral Widget (63 CmP) - Special attack of varying impact. Metal-elemental. Pierces and has the chance to Stun.
King's Radiance (80 CmP/2WU, 2CD) - Heals a lot of HP and CmP. Has a range of all allies. Has a chance to inflict allies with Counter-heal (damage is offset and ally is healed by a percentage of what they would've taken).
Justice Blitz (150 CmP/2WU, 5CD) - Special attack of important impact. Hits one enemy. This move always goes first.

Though Sylvie appears to be a purifier, pseudo-deity or some other sort of divine figure, she is actually a species of low-level demon known as a Shade. She is safely disguised under the skin and flesh of an angel she ate once upon a time. Ever since then, she's had a ravenous appetite that can only be sated by feasting on beings of pure heart. This usually involves animals, as they do not possess concept of sin or virtue. But she's always on the prowl for a more fulfilling meal.

Similarly to a harbinger, she is attracted to purifiers as potential targets. Her inner demonic nature also attracts her to harbingers, but she has no interest in them due to their status as thoroughly corrupt beings.