Content Warning

User Content Warning

This user profile has been marked with a content warning:

Vensu / 18 / he/him

Hello~ Call me Vick or Ven for short. I'm your local nonbinary shrimpbug that loves to draw and do whatever i like. I do silly art of my OCs. If not, i might be Spoiling my friends' OCs with art

Please do not
  • Ship art with other people's or your characters (Unless i say so. Friendships are fanon and OK)
  • Claim my designs and characters as your own.
  • Straightup copy my designs and lore. If you want to take inspiration, kindly ASK me in dms.
  • Use my art to feed A.I.
Content Warnings

Suggestive Content



Drug Use


Sensitive Content


  • These warnings apply to my content/character lore. By no means i am related to these content.
  • If you suspect somebody has offended my "Do Not"s above, please feel free to let me know.
  • Commissions are on Vgen (unless i post a listing out of it). Please use dms only for inquiries.

Please note your consent will be stored in cookies until your session is closed.

No thanks!