


6 years, 9 days ago


This character is retired.



  • Alias Rooster Kid
  • Species Human
  • Sex Male
  • Age 18 (Debut), 21 (Comeback)
  • Height 178 cm (5'10)
  • Hair Color Black, Red
  • Eye Color Black
  • Occupation Hero
  • Affiliation Unnamed
  • Status Retired



Dodge used to be very impractical and childish; he had a dream to be a hero but only for the fame, glamour, and recognition for the human race - and so he could be like the non-human heroes he looked up to. Dodge frequently got tunnel vision when he was striving for his goal, resulting in him becoming unknowingly selfish and insensitive. He let Splinter do all of the behind-the-scenes work, while he took the credit by performing the heroic deeds for everyone to see in public. When he was first exposed to fame and heroics, he slowly began to focus solely on his new career instead of Splinter's health. After Splinter died, Dodge disappeared from the public and tried his best to familiarize himself with the technology that he should have learned in the beginning, with the help of Stance. He also forced himself to break out of his selfish stupor and not repeat the same mistakes he made with his dear friend.

Now, Dodge is still hot-blooded but a caring youth who can be overly passionate about certain things and is prone to acting recklessly. He's extremely determined to prove that humans are not inferior to the other races, and becomes fearless and unwavering to do so. He firmly believes that all humans are born good and believes that every human should be working hard to prove themselves as well, which is shown when he intensely devoted his comeback to helping Aim. Despite being generally good morally-wise, he still makes several immature or oblivious comments and finds amusement in messing around with his friends. Although he isn't on the degree of selfishness as he was in the past, he is very fond of obtaining money and pursuing a luxurious lifestyle with lots of fans.

He is particularly interested in pop street culture, which includes things like bright clothing and accessories, night life, electronic music, graffiti, certain genres of music, and parties. While b-boying is a topic of interest, he isn't very good at it; he prefers parkour/freerunning.

When doing his work, Dodge can get nervous, panicky, and irrational. He thinks there's too much to worry about: not destroying structures, keeping civilians safe, and getting the villain under control. He gets officious and snappish with his team during a job when they don't do exactly what he wants them to do. This results in him attempting to handle a lot of the work himself, leaving the others behind. Although he tries to fix this flaw, he still takes too much responsibility on his own.


Because of his training, Dodge's body type is thin with a lean, muscular frame. He has fair skin, large black eyes, and messy black hair with a left fringe that kept under his chicken beanie. After a fight with Aim, one of his left premolar teeth got knocked out. He has a few burns on his calves, and scars on his shoulder blades after continuous fighting.

Dodge's casual attire consists of loose tank tops (usually bright colors) with a tighter undershirt (usually black) and rolled up joggers. His shoes are either beat-up sneakers or flip flops. Dodge wears a wristband and some souvenir bracelets.


  • Boosted Agility
  • Boosted Technique
Unique Abilities
  • Rooster Gear


Dodge's dear older half-brother. A genius.


  • Dodge's '30 Things' consist of:
    Roosters. Beanies. Rooster beanies. Quadruple texting my friends (IN ALL CAPS!). Starting street fights. Breaking up street fights! Avoiding paperwork. Excessively bright clothing. Obnoxious music!! Checking on my friends in the middle of the night (they don't know). Getting my hero's paycheck! Spending all of my paycheck on suit materials. Running away from my landlord. Human history! Being the BOSS. Meeting my fans (and making their dreams)! A n o n y m i t y. The wind in my hair! Looking cooler than my friends! Not thinking about Splinter. Burgers! Are we at thirty yet? Helping old ladies cross the street (it's cliche but it actually makes you feel very good inside!). Cracking a crime mystery. Screaming (I'm really good at this). Throwing a party! Flashy souvenir bracelets. Being great with kids (to some people I'm not, but they're just mad because they don't have a high caliber launcher to impress them with). Staying up all night! Parkour. And acting like a kid ('cause that's funner than being serious all the time like SOME people).
  • The original Rooster Kid.