☀ ᴍᴜʀɪᴇʟ. 🌙 (feral/concepts)



2021(almost 2022) update: this guys a fucking mess



it doesnt show up too well on here, but he can change most of his white markings at will. think of it like him painting himself w reflective paint every time he changes his look. the darker greys & black don't change (though I do think I want to give those a revamp in general)

he's basically... sigh. he's like if you mixed the weird guy dressed up in gothic clothing claiming he's a vampire and a theater kid. LOL. he's harmless but wayyy too into his aesthetic goals sometimes to realize he only looks cool in his own head. it works in photos but in person he can be.... a lot sometimes. it really depends on if he's trying to keep up the acting portion of the cosplay experience. if he's in casual clothing or not trying to convince people he's chrollo then he's pretty chill LMAO.

he's had a good number of forms outside of his "canon" form, but a lot of them mostly just touch on his aesthetic and not personality. his pouflon form is probs closest, while his fooling form takes visual aesthetics but has a personality closer to ren's


Update: Most likely gonna be a whole new sona with some design choices recycled. I keep trying to revamp him but I'm at the point where nothing works as well as I want it to. These forms will likely be retired & I may just sell/voucher his Pouf form?

Under revamp...? I love his look for the most part, though I feel it's a bit overdone as a concept and he's losing his connection to me as a sona. I made him an updated look, however the colors seem to be my biggest issue with making him feel right. Might try and merge him a bit with Ren? I'm unsure. Either way, HUGE WIP!

His main form is categorized by outfit, so click his full gallery to see the sub-galleries!

edit: idk if ill retire him actually but i do wanna update his design still...