
10 months, 17 days ago


Name Adagio
Age 23
Gender Female
Race Hellhound - African Wild Dog
Role Hellhoundsona
Demeanor Kind, sympathetic, easy to piss off.

Her horse; Synthwave

Music of various kinds. Especially loud.

Other females

Tasty drinks

Sour/Bitter Things

Animal Abuse

Losing track of things


Current Value: 80$

A hellhound who's surprisingly nice to those who return it. Loves to party and listen to loud music, but has issues with social battery and needs time to herself. She has a horse hailing from the Wrath ring who she named Synthwave. It was meant to be shown off in the Gluttony ring and sold at an Auction, but it escaped due to mistreatment and Adagio offered it a safe place to stay and it grew attached to her. Adagio treated her like a princess after all and the two became inseperable friends. Synthwave is more aware then other horses of hell and so it matters that she chose Adagio to be her owner and friend. She loves giving Adagio rides and warming her up with her warm body and mane. Her firey mane and tail only hurt those she wants to, never those she cares about.

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