Alaric's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Cannot be resold

Design Terms of Use

ghosters Global Rules

For a full rundown of my adopt terms, please read my Terms Of Service Literature, which contains rules that must be obeyed when owning my designs!

Please respect my blacklist and refrain from giving anyone here any of my designs in any way, shape, or form. In doing so, you will be put on the blacklist and any character(s) given to people on my blacklist will be reuploaded. So, please don't break my rules! The people on this list have either stalked and/or abused myself, my friends, have grooming / manipulative tendencies, support abusive creators, or I've had a falling out with them in some way that hasn't gone well.

Do not harass anyone on this list. 

These terms were last updated November 28th, 2023.


  • AK-Tastic || banana-groove || cubfan135 || blegg [Read the PSA; has also copied my designs.]
  • Umlautfrost || any of their alt accounts
  • Reddkunsu || Rosendice || any of their alt accounts
  • cyha_ || socyal || any of their alt accounts
  • ranartical [Whiteknights + supports AK-Tastic]
  • dethsaw || vlinnys || any of their alt accounts
  • mkyu707 || minkyu || str4bb_
  • If you associate with any of the people above.