Hideyoshi Ritsu (MORE INFO)



1 year, 1 month ago


Name: Hideyoshi Ritsu

Talent: Ultimate Marketing Coordinator

Age: 20

Race: Japanese-Indonesian


Zodiac: Leo

Personality: Eccentric, obnoxious, extraverted, apathetic

Likes: Cold brew, being busy, travelling, mining Bitcoin

Dislikes: Sitting still, relaxing, being alone, silence, boredom, intimacy

Birthday: July 26th

Orientation: Unlabeled

Pronouns: He/it/they

Gender: Cisgender Male

Height: 5'8

Species: Human

Relationships: Mihaya Karuma ("Acquaintance")

Trivia: Hideyoshi was planted into the killing game by advertisers, and so he did not lose any of his memories. They posed as a regular guest at the hotel resort before the game started. Because of this, Hideyoshi is legally safe from any harm as stated by Tupperbox when they were hired. Also, it can fit just about anything under its hat and trench coat.

Other: Hideyoshi is afraid of intimacy due to previous traumatic experiences relating to his job, which makes him distant and oftentimes apathetic towards others.

Hideyoshi Ritsu is the Ultimate Marketing Coordinator. It has managed to rake in millions of dollars for companies just through advertisements and its clever marketing tactics. Hideyoshi has been an enthusiast of economics for years, and he started his own business firm when they were just 11 years old. Now they regularly appear in commercials all around the globe, as well as being an inspiration to many in the business world.