Madelle Bert



1 year, 1 month ago


Madelle Bert

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Name Madelle Bert
Age Older than time itself, somewhat younger than Bill
Birthday ?/?
Gender and Sexuality Unknown, but looks and acts feminine
Height Can change size if fae gains more knowledge, but fae is about the same size as Bill
Weight N/A
Pronouns Any pronouns, preferably Fae/Faer
Species Dream Demon
Theme List


Signature of MadelleMadelle Bert, short for "Madelline Bert", is a Mandelbrot-like dream demon.
Madelle is very polite and formal in terms of speaking and gestures and has a much quieter and serious personality in contrast to the more energetic and jokey yet loud-voiced and impolite Bill. Despite this, Madelle wants to take over the world like Bill, although by "the world" fae meant just the Planet Earth. Fae wanted to own Earth because fae wanted to fix the damaged environment and prevent bad actors from doing bad stuff.
Deep down, Madelle is somewhat insecure and shy, and sometimes gets embarrassed. Fae also somewhat has trouble with making friends with fellow demons.
Madelle possesses high amounts of intelligence (higher than Dipper and Stanford), however most of the memory and intelligence on everything (except magic spells) was hindered by the fact that faer brain is currently turned into stone. To unlock faer intelligence and turn the brain back into the original state, one must successfully fulfill one of Madelle's deals, which are extremely hard to even start one because of the way to start it.


The transaction usually involves chanting. To start a deal with Madelle, one must simply request a deal to faer first. Then, fae will choose a random chant that is usually hard to pronounce. One will then read the chant aloud backwards four times in a row. If one fails to read the chant correctly or fulfill the deal, Madelle will invoke extremely loud noises to the victim's ears. So far, every individual who tried to start a deal with Madelle failed and had their ears or sense of hearing broken or lost. No one has successfully started a deal with faer yet, due to the difficulty to even start one deal.
No one knows the consequence after successfully fulfilling Madelle's deal. Bill is known to possess people after making a deal, but how Madelle does to a person after making a deal is unknown.

  • Personality: Quiet, very polite, formal, serious, mysterious, insecure, shy
  • Likes: Books, monochrome things, harsh noise (and silence as well), meditation, magic, "radio noises", travelling, fragrant smells
  • Dislikes: The fact that faer brain is turned into stone, humor, bad smells, nothingness (of everything)
  • Strengths: Madelle Bert possesses high intelligence as well as extensive magic spells. However, they are very limited.
    • High intelligence: Madelle has a very high amount of intelligence, and is much smarter when compared to Ford Pines. However, due to faer brain being turned and made into stone, Madelle can't access some of the intelligence, most of them being very useful for world domination. To unlock most of faer intelligence, one must make a deal with Madelle, which is impossible to start even one. Most of Madelle's knowledge can be useful for world domination. What or who made Madelle's brain turn into stone and when did it happen is unknown.
    • Magic spells: Madelle has magic spells and powers, most of them involving sound. They are rarely used, however, as Madelle does not want to "misuse them" and is not ready to make use of the powers more. The most used spell involves playing an extremely loud sound that can break someone's ear, which is around 250+ decibels. The spell is most often used when someone's deal with Madelle is failed or rejected.
  • Weaknesses: Madelle's brain is turned into stone. To turn the brain back to normal, one must make a deal with faer, which is impossible to even start one.
  • Dream Demon stuff:
    • Transaction: Chant - Involves chanting a hard-to-pronounce phrase backwards.
    • Punishment for deal failure: Playing extremely loud noises and sounds to break a victim's ears
    • Item: Book (Not shown often on-screen, but is there)
    • Flame color: Black
    • Based on: The Mandelbrot Set



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Important Notes

  • Body There are little circles around Madelle's body
  • Eyelashes Madelle's singular eye has lots of eyelashes
  • Eye Madelle's eye is completely round, has a grey sclera and has a yellow sparkle pupil
  • Tie Madelle's tie resembles a seifuku tie, where the ends droop. Can't be removed

Extra Notes

  • White stitches on faer hat is optional and can be removed
    • In general, the hat can be completely removed as well, as shown in the ref sheet.
  • When Madelle speaks Japanese, fae would refer faerself as "watakushi" (more polite first person pronoun than "watashi").
  • Madelle's mob cap is inspired by a few Touhou characters, such as the Scarlet sisters (Remilia and Flandre) and Yukari Yakumo. Faer tie is inspired by some seifuku ties.
  • Madelle prefers faer short name "Madelle" to be pronounced "muh-dell"/"m'dell". Fae will make loud noises that break your ears (like fae always does) when you pronounce faer name as "may-dle". Madelle writes the reason: "We don't talk about this child."
  • Madelle's transaction was originally "offer". This was actually a placeholder, as the actual transaction is not present yet.
  • Madelle is inspired by Patchouli Knowledge from Touhou Project.
  • Madelle originally disliked humans and wanted to take over the world for evil purposes, but not as much as Bill.
  • Madelle's nickname was formerly "Sibling of Bill Cipher". This is removed and moved the nickname to another Gravity Falls demon OC.
  • There used to be a backstory about Madelle Bert, however this was removed and planned to be rewritten to make more sense in terms of GF lore.
    • The original lore surrounds Madelle living in the Fractal Area in the Second Dimension until Bill destroyed it. Madelle survives and now lives in the New Fractal Area in the Dimension Branch. The Dimension Branch was a location where all alien dimensions are connected together. There was also a snippet of how Madelle lost half of faer intelligence, however it was cut short. This lore is going to be rewritten to make more sense to the Gravity Falls lore, and remove the concept of the "Dimension Branch", as it doesn't make sense.


Bill Cipher

Although Bill dislikes Madelle for not being a party person and chaos lover, fae see Bill as faer friend. However, deep down, Bill actually thought of Madelle as a friend despite being the opposite of faer, because of how nice fae is. Bill and Madelle also used to be faraway friends in the Second Dimension until Bill destroyed it. Full version here. Status: Friends (Madelle's side), Enemies? (Bill's side)

Code: PinkyDoggy