
10 months, 2 days ago


No matter how much I tried, I can't let it go.

Netaminity Theatre "666"


A rather mysterious loner that can be seen everywhere, yet most people can barely remember him due to how much he's in the background. No matter how "flashy" or so he can be (takes drama class), Daniel's always in the background no matter what. He has proven time and again that he can be kind and considerate at times, but right now? Daniel seems to be mad/jealous of someone... I wonder who.

Venom Loner
Panromantic Ace
magical boy student


Daniel once has a genuine, kind personality despite being a lonely person. He proved from time to time that he can help others and protect them. Due to his acting skills, its sort of hard to tell if Daniel is genuine or not... This is who he once was, before jealously and hatred took him over

In the present day, he's nearly filled with such hatred and jealously, because all he felt and desired is to kill Crow or make him emotionally damaged. He grew to be sadistic, obsessed and pure anger. He just can't get the feelings of hatred and jealously out, no matter what.


  • He still has a sunflower charm on his bag, presenting his past love.
  • Is not that confident doing what he does despite everything.
  • He loves bittersweet matcha tea for some reason. Its pleasant to him somehow
  • Likes to read, a lot, I guess. I'm running out of facts.


Early Life

Daniel doesn't really have any parental figures that watches over in. He's always on his own, often doing his best to live on the tough world. Most people are so scared of Daniel, up to the point that many stayed away from him.

Being a loner does have a few advantages. Daniel can observe several groups at once without anybody to bother him. One day, he notices some girl getting bullied by his fellow classmates, so he defended her. This is the day where he got his first genuine friend.

Lotus Academy

During this time, Daniel is just a normal student, trying to study and learn with Noelle. Although he isn't thrilled of one of Noelle's friends existence, he learned how to tolerate them and now they are kinda like a trio. Throughout all timelimes they are just being minor/background character I guess. This is where Daniel and his childhood friend started dating.

Current Day

Even if he does feel actually quite happy, but there's something out there that feels wrong. That small feeling of bitterness around someone, and that someone is Crow. He just... feels so jealous that even though Crow is also trying to live, he got parental figures. That jealously grew, then it turned into hatred, up to the point where he signed a contract to become a magical boy... to make Crow suffer.

He realizes that its not enough, so he decided to try to murder all of the people that Crow knows, however... there's several people got in the way. Crow's best friend, and his own girlfriend.


Noelle [ex-girlfriend]

Daniel and Noelle first met each other when they are very young during kindergarden when she was bullied. He in fact actually defended Noelle from the bullies and became friends from there. Throughout high school, its revealed that both actually has feelings for each other and started dating. Until the day where Daniel started to get obsessed with making Crow suffer due to jealously. He slowly forgot about the relationship he have with Noelle. Later on, Noelle got upset and broke up with him.

Crow [dislike/jealous of]

Daniel is so jealous of Crow because he has something that he does not. At first Daniel wishes to not think much about it, but each day, it annoys him, up to the point his jealously twisted into hatred of Crow. Daniel's obsession, jealous and hatred of Crow didn't stop at all, up to the point where he forgot and doesn't care about anything else.

Painter Dee [Current Target]

Daniel has a STRONG dislike of Painter Dee, and thinks that killing them will make Crow even more sad. However, killing Painter Dee is MUCH more difficult then expected. They are just too lucky that there's people watching them, also how Painter Dee managed to avoid being scarred and such.