


10 months, 2 days ago


Name: Kai
Age: 18
Gender: Genderqueer
Pronouns: She/They/He
Sexuality: Pansexual
Bows ToPoseidon
Abilities: TBA
Personality Traits: Cheerful, distracted, clumsy

Kai is a water spirit that resides in the Divine Plane as a helper of  sorts, a guide to those who may not know how everything works. They mainly work with those that hail from the ocean/water aligned Deities such as Poseidon, or Neptune, but are known to guide others that need just as much asisstance. Kai would love to say that she's good at her job, but that'd be a lie. They're easily distracted, and happen to trip over their own tail a lot in public when guiding someone around the Plane. He doesn't mean to not be great at his job, it just happens, and his assigned person will more likely than not be moved onto a different guide, and they then get chewed out. For them, they're just a few mistakes away from being demoted from Spirit Guide to regular residant. Despite everything she tries her best and keeps at it, happily greeting any person with a smile and a wave and leading anyone to where they need to be without complaint.

Their goal is to be the best guide they can be and be seen as such as well. He's just SO glad to be hired right now, even if it is to Poseidon who has more than enough guides hired to him. Still, Kai will happily guide anyone Poseidon tells her to, even if she's just a watchful eye to his favourite child, Sello.