


10 months, 20 days ago


πŸ’€Name:Β Dylan Moinster
πŸ–€Age:Β 24yo
πŸ’€Gender identity:Β Male
πŸ–€Specie:Β Human
πŸ’€Pronouns:Β He/Him
πŸ–€Birthday:Β august 22th
πŸ’€Sexuality:Β Pansexual
πŸ–€Personality:Β Dylan carries a brooding and intense aura around him, but he can also appear charismatic and captivating, especially when on stage. Off-stage, he's mysterious and often keeps things to himself. Generally, he's reserved and introspective. However, when provoked or on stage, he channels his pent-up emotions into raw energy and aggression. Despite his dark tendencies, Dylan has a deep sense of loyalty to those he cares about. He values authenticity in his music and despises anything that feels fabricated or forced. He also has an uncanny ability to switch from a calm demeanor to an explosive performance mode when on stage.
πŸ’€Job/Role:Β Rockstar/Singer/Guitarist/Slasher
πŸ–€Height:Β 190cm

πŸ’€Voice claim:Β Giorno Giovannia (Jjba : Golden wind)
[ Example 1 ][ Example 2 ]

Dylan is a twenty four years old british metal singer/electric guitarist for the band "Desolateskulls". Before he became interested in music he had always struggled with severe depression and family abuse. This led to him attempting to take his life however when that failed to let out his anger he found a old guitar and began to play, leading him down the path of becoming a metal singer. He was originally apart of a underground band which wasn't very well known, and after some time tension rose in the group which lead to a fight between Dylan and the lead singer of the band where Dylan ended up accidentally killing him. At first he was slightly worried he would be caught and arrested, however he soon realised he didn't care and in fact enjoyed the rush of adrenaline, from that day forward he became a slasher rockstar, his performance mask was a great way to hide his face when committing his kills.

πŸ’€Design detail(s) :
- SH on right arm, Left arm a full arm prosthetic-like glove (functioning normal arm)
- Tattoos
- Ears piercings, pp piercings, hips piercings, collar bones piercing.

πŸ–€Aesthetic(s): Moodboard
πŸ’€Theme(s): Theme songΒ 

πŸ–€PlayList: Playlist

- Scared he might get caught/arrested (usually in the back of his mind)
- Apart from music, Dylan has a penchant for vintage guitars and often spends his free time collecting them. He's also deeply interested in vintage horror films, which influence his stage persona and style.
- He make his group’s own costumes.
- He love reading alone when he’s not playing guitar. He read feminist books.
- Also like to paint.
- He often wears dark clothing, even off-stage, and tends to gravitate towards secluded spots during downtime. Dylan has a habit of strumming on his guitar absentmindedly when deep in thought.
- Will make list of horror movies you two can watch together. (scariest he can find so you snuggle onto him the whole time)
- He lost his arm from abuse of his parents (he received boiling oil on it and they had to amputate him)
- Strengths:
Strong shoulder, will smash you with a guitar.
πŸ’€Weapons :
- Anything blunt he can get his hands on.