


10 months, 15 days ago


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Pathos of Shirasagi

Sumare is a popular travelling scholar settling down in Sumeru to complete his academics and experiments. Althought tense you can always count on him for support.

Everyone who studies at the Akademiya believes Sumare to be ruthless and cold, but no one truly dares to peek deep into his past..

Name Sumare Dubois

Age 20

Gender Male

Birthday February 21st

Weapon Catalyst

Vision Cryo

Constellation Crux Angelica

Nation Fontaine -> Sumeru

Affiliation Traveling Scholar of the Akademiya

Occupation Student / Writer

Special Dish Padisarah Pudding

Local Specialty Kalpalata Lotus

Sumare is a quiet, often reserved young man who has a tendancy to attract danger. Most people find him to be hardworking and cold, his glances often feeling like glares. Unsurprisingly he has risen to the top when it comes to wits and education, earning the respect from long term students and vets of the Akedamiya. This resulted in his nickname, "Top Traveling Scholar." Those who are close to him often find his persona to be the opposite of what everyone else assumes. He really is gentle and kind even with the sassy personality he puts on.

Sumare Dubois is the son of two Inventors currently unknown in Fontaine.

It has been a long time since he last saw or talked to his parents, let alone his sibling.

Sumare is currently an inventor and studying student within the Sumeru Akedamiya. He hopes to one day help shape the future for Sumeru as well for the Sumeru Desert.

Elemental Skill Icis (Eye-sis)

Calls forth icicles that work as a sheild around Sumare, they also shoot out onto the targeted opponent, dealing Cryo damage. Duration lasts for 7 seconds and has a cooldown for 9 seconds.

Elemental Burst Frost Waltz

Coalescing the frost in the air, Sumare builds an icy feild that causes opponents to continuosly take Cryo AoE damage. It also enforces his weapon with Cryo. Lasts for 10 seconds

Alternate Sprint -none-


Utility Passive Hidden Strength

Decreases damage taken by characters effected by Dendro, Hydro or Cryo.


"The traveler? He is interesting.. picking his way through the archives is a risky thing to do. But he has my respect for that. He is always welcome to call upon me in times of need."


"Focalors.. Fontaine. Many injustice lies here with their trials. They have wronged me also, and Focalors as well as Neuvilette will soon live to regret it. My their mistrails become their karmas."


"My studying partner! Although he has a resting face that portrays him as super mean, he actually is quite sweet... if you are quiet enough- He enjoys the peace and quiet whether he is studying with me or alone. He really does help me stay organized, so yes, I would call him my friend or ally! Kaveh though, his roomie.. quite the handful! He is fun nonethless.."

Intelligence lies beyond the scrolls and books.

but instead lies within experiences.