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Hi! Your friend has some wonderful art- if you don't mind I'm more looking for money right now so I'm going to wait a few days before I accept to see if anyone else offers! Otherwise, I'll get back to you in a few days, and let me know exactly how much they'd offer! ^-^

would you accept art or oc trades? these are actually so gorgeous but I don't have cash rn 😭 I understand it not because these r just.. wowza

Ahhh tysm!! I am happy to take offers for OCs but I am a little picky! I'd love to accept art for some of them, just let me know how much and what your deadline is ^-^

i would be willing to do 2 full color half bodies and a full color bust for #1!!!! im very flexible too so if you want more added on just lmk. wanna add too my style is a little hard to explain so all my pieces have SLIGHT rendering no matter what if thats something ur interested in... ur designs are so so gorgeous and id love to own one so i could def get them all done by monday at the LATEST (its saturday for me rn :3

Omg that sounds sweet! I'll put them on hold for you, and take your time thats reeeally fast haha! Thank you for being so sweet <:'D I am so happy you like my designs!! Okok so for the 2 halfbodies could you maybe do an interaction between two ocs? :o also!! do you enjoy drawing anthros or humans more :D

i am much better at humans tbh!!! if u wanna just dm me all the info and ill get them done as soon as i can!!! :33 PROBABLY SHOUDLVE ADDED THIS BUT HERES MY EXAMPLES LUL art examples on Toyhouse

okok! sounds good! :D I'll send u a message!