


10 months, 8 days ago

Basic Info








Court Artificer


Emeriel is a criminal. Emeriel isn’t working for the court because they want to be there, they’re working there A: because they’re being made to do community service and B: because they need a close eye to be kept on them. Not because they want to hurt people, they don’t, they never did, but because of what they did and how it affected them. When they were younger, they were a renegade wizard. Living on the outskirts of hedora with their partner, a summoner wizard,  they were unregistered wizards, tax evaders, highwaymen that mostly extorted people to get by and fund their experiments- and they were dangerous experiments.

They brought something into the world that they didn’t understand. Emeriel still doesn't know whether they created or called it, but finally the two of them opened a rift filled with this monstrous viridian thing, and it killed their partner. It nearly killed them too as it spilled out into the land, into the nearby town. Corrupting it, twisting it, making it into a funhouse mockery of form. Warping, spiked, ferrous, flowing. And when it was pushed back in and the rift was closed, it stayed in Emeriel. Filled in the parts they lost to its acidic touch.

And it’s still twisting them. Their eyes are a horror show under their glasses- melted like glass, and getting worse all the time. soon, not even the best glasses will be able to save their sight. Their organs are the same. Technically, from their chest cavity on through their right arm, they are entirely hollow, missing a lung and filled with sludge. You wouldn’t know it from looking at them but there’s nothing under the skin in that arm, not even bone. The reason they need to be kept watch on is they go through fits of feverish madness where they’ll start to indiscriminately attack anyone and anything around with that corrupting green energy, as if posessed. When they feel that coming, they either have to say so during a checkup or they have to be able to warn someone on hand.  Because when it happens they need to be restrained and locked up so they can’t hurt anyone. Fremont helps with that, he is their point of contact and the one who makes the restraints that hold them in their episodes.

Honestly though, despite being technically a prisoner and not really wanting to be there, over the years working for the court has grown on them, and they’re pretty ok with it. They know it’s the best option. For what time they have left before it kills them entirely. And they have some good friends there, real friends. Fremont, at first suspicious and businesslike, has even come to be one of their staunchest defenders.