Natch (AU | Parafacility)



4 months, 4 days ago



Name Knight Natchadon
Nicknames Natch
Species Player
Gender Female
Pronouns She/Her/Whatever
World Parafacility
Role Parafacility Patient

   Natchadon is a noble knight, convinced she is wandering her kingdom. She's very polite and regal, as long as she sees ou as something good. Her memory has been magically affected, and she can't remember anyone for more than 1 interaction, and can't perceive anyone outside of her magical kingdom. One day she'll see you as a prince, the next, a bandit.    

79494467_fToXdouj90DS5i3.png Ruffian --- Murderer
A ruffian who killed her in combat.
I neededed your help, I needed your help- I still need your help. I need your help, please help me help me help me help-

+ Serving her queen, she'd do anything for her queen
+ Her sword, it would be improper for a knight to be without her blade
+ Kind townsfolk, she lives to protect them

+ Bandits, Knaves and Ruffians, the immoral sort who wander her kingdom
+ Any who mean to harm her queen

   Natchadon is a knight, she's always been a knight, she can't remember being anything else. She's a knight. She's a knight. She's a knight. She's a knight. She's a knight. She's a knight. She's a knight. She's a knight. She's a knight. She's a knight. She's a knight. She's a knight. She's a knight. She's a knight. She's a knight. She's a knight. She's a knight. She's a knight. She's a knight. She's not a knight. She's a knight. She's a knight. She's a knight. She's a knight. She's a knight. She's a knight. She's a knight. She's a knight. She's a knight.

+ Comes from a video game world, has an inventory that she can summon items from!
+ Eyes occationally flash and glow different colors
+ Seems to be able to see on the side of her face without an eye, do not assume its a blind spot
+ Armor seems to be a part of her, it cannot be removed

Code by TigToggle, based on "Box on Rox" by cheeriko
with inspiration from Aurorean, tgCodes and icecreampizzeria