coffee foam bunnies



9 months, 16 days ago


~ coffee foam bunnies ~

spring (wild horseradish jam) . stardew valley

these bunnies are unique creatures, they inhabit the cafe and help out in serving drinks, food and cleaning up! however, whilst they forms appear the same shape and size as real bunnies, their bodies are made up of almost entirely milk foam! due to this they are pretty flexible in their form and can be drawn as simple squishy little blobs, or in a more complex/fullbody style (although still very chibi proportions, theyre small and can fit in a coffee cup!)

each bunny will have their own custom coffee cup which they were made in, this is their bed and home where they feel most comfy :3 their desgins can vary, but will always be bunny shaped and have a base mily white/cream colour (being made out of foam), can have a range of brown coffee patterning though! from cocoa cappuccino-style speckles to more elaborate latte art! whilst traditionally coffee/espresso based, as long as the base ingredient is natural (coffee beans, tea leaves) and can be mixed with milk foam you could do anything! (think chai latte, hot cocoa, etc)

they are born from carefully growing special coffee beans (or other plant) with a lot of love, and on a full moon can be brewed with fresh, foamy cream/milk, frothed thick enough to hold its shape with enough care given, a coffee foam bunny will be born!