


9 months, 28 days ago


cereza rivers
cereza is known as a highly academic student, and, though meek and soft, always kind to the people around them - that is, on the outside. cereza is highly rebellious, rarely afraid to break rules or disobey authorities as long as they can be sneaky about it. they're clever and quick-witted, but still carry their soft kindness around with them when it comes to their friends. they're a wonderful listener and an even better talker, but often too shy to approach someone on their own. their favorite hobby is reading, and they could probably clear a whole library shelf in a day if they were left to it. they enjoy long walks at night and wearing warm, cozy clothes.

cereza rivers was born on august 5 in france, before a short life of travel eventually wound them up in north america. their species is the fancy mouse (mus musculus domestica) and they are of french-korean descent. they are currently a sophomore in high school.


Age 16
Gender nonbinary
Pronouns they / them
Orientation polysexual
Birthday august 5
Height 5'2"
Species mouse

motley partner
motley and cereza had known each other since kindergarten, staying friends until they got together freshman year of high school. they bonded over their shared experience of discovering their gender identities, coincidentally coming to the same conclusion, and protecting each other from harm. their heavy distaste for pda is made up by their time spent texting one another and going on dates, since they're both outwardly shy and prefer to share affection in private. they're a sweet couple, bouncing off of each other perfectly in almost every way.

andy best friend
andy and cereza met in 1st grade, but became good friends starting in third grade, when cereza often joined in andy's soccer games. since then, they hung out enough to become best friends. the two get into a lot of playful scuffles, and anytime that motley leaves them in a room together, it's not unlikely that chaos will ensue.

geek • rebellious • supportive