


10 months, 6 days ago


The shrouded prince - Logos is a demon that has been trapped on earth for centuries, kept sealed in a chamber deep underground where he was eventually discovered by archaeologists in the early 20th century. Currently kept in a secure location in the antarctic, where he's studied to some extent, and also kept as far away from civilisation as possible.

Being in close proximity of him causes a myriad of unpleasant side effects, ranging from pressure headaches and nausea to uncontrollable fits of laughter and the overwhelming urge to eat your own hands. His shroud is apparently man-made, and what he looks like underneath has been lost to time as it can't be removed. He speaks often, but most of it is gibberish that has yet to be deciphered. Occasionally he asks if you remember who you were before you were you or why you don’t remember your brother’s name or how do you know you're not me or can you please take off my shroud and other such questions. You can only hear him in your left ear, and you can hear him even if you are deaf.

His feet don’t move the way you expect them to – it’s unnatural and looks like they’re constantly shifting places in a way that shouldn’t be possible if they were properly attached to a body.

Although he’s been closely evaluated since he was discovered, he hasn’t really done anything of note. He moves where guided and that’s it – when left alone, he merely stands still and speaks. No-one can remove the shroud, even if they want to – there’s some kind of mental block that prevents it, and when people are asked to remove it, they claim to be doing it even when they’re standing quite still.

Logos is one of the three earthly demons that have been discovered, along with Pathos and Ethos. They're colloquially named, as their "true" names are yet to be found