Nanami Yamabuki



6 years, 11 days ago


Name: Nanami Yamabuki (Natalie Redstone)

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Deck Type: Lightsworn

History: Nanami is the first twin born to Kaori Yamabuki, making her the older sister of Kenzaki, who was born 5 minutes after her. As a child, both of the twins loved dueling, and they spent almost all of their time together. Nanami wasn't as keen with dueling as her younger brother, and later on formed a love of cooking instead of dueling. 

It was only until one year before the Seven Stars arc that she returned. Her brother was never the healthiest, and had grown sickly, which meant he couldn't enroll at Duel Academy, something he had been hoping to do since he was a child. Not wanting his space to be given up, He asked Nanami to take his place. Initially hesitant, Nanami caved in and agreed. 

The papers were rewritten for Nanami's sake, but only a few days before there was a mishap; Kenzaki forgot to change the gender option on the forms, so Nanami had no choice but to dress as a boy until she could get things sorted out. 

Her lack of time dueling showed on her written test, and so she was placed in Osiris red, which she wasn't too happy about initially. It was there she met her literally next-door neighbors, Judai and Shou.

(more to be written later)



Judai Yuki: Nanami was quick to form a friendship with Judai during the entrance exams, to which she was given confidence that she could pull off the ruse of being a male. During season 1 and 2,  she considers Judai to be like one of her brothers. It isn't until season 3 that she realizes she has feelings for him.

Hayato Maeda: Hayato was Nanami's classmate through Middle school, and a close one too. They share a love for Drawing, Duel monsters, and Food. He was the first student to know her secret, since they knew each other as kids, but promised to keep quiet about it. Nanami calls him "Haya-kun" while he calls her "Buki"



Nanami can see Duel monster spirits. Her duel spirit is "Rinyan, Lightsworn Rouge"