


10 months, 4 days ago



Name Oyster

Alias Oyster

Gender Male

Pronouns He/Him

Age 29

Birthday 3/24

Species Seal Cat

Orientation Kingdom of Waves

Origin Kingdom of Waves

Sexuality Bisexual

Height 3'11"

Code SparklyCodes

Nothing is impossible, unless you can't do it


Oyster is a layed back guy who enjoys doing absolutely nothing aside from munching on seaweed and fishing. He dislikes talking to others and would rather laze about in his secluded underwater cabern all day. Or spend his evening hearding fish into his nets.

Despite being a recluse, others are drawn to Oyster. They tend to help him with everyday chores because they feel compelled to for some reason. Maybe it's because of his charm and good looks. Or maybe it's because he's a reveered fisherman who helps keep the economy afloat (no pun intended).


  • Fish
  • Pearls
  • Sleeping
  • Seaweed
  • People
  • Talking
  • Exercising
  • Being on Land


Pre Blazing Battle

Oyster was born and raised in the Kingdom of Waves. He was one of a kind. His pelt was oddly patterned, his teeth were abnormally jagged, and he could swim much faster than the average kingdom dweller. However he seldomly used these traits to his advantage and spent most of his days inside. His parents loved him regardless. He loved them back.

Oyster eventually grew up and decided to make something of himself. He began taking up fishing, and found he excelled at it. Others soon took notice to this and were eager to put his talents to use. He became a solitary fisherman and managed to ring in pounds of fish every day. He was treasured among the Kingdom of Waves and became quite popular. He still kept to himself most days though.

Oyster sometimes visisted the mainland on his days off to buy goods from merchants. It was there that he met Maji. Maji was desperate for a friend and began bribing Oyster just to talk to them. Oyster didn't mind just sitting there and listening to Maji in exchange for fish and other trinkets. Oyster did begin liking Maji and would come around on all his days off just to talk to xem.

During The Blazing Battle

The Kingdom of Waves hadn't caught wind that the other kingdoms were suffering attacks. They were completely secluded and didn't care all that much for the far off kingdoms on land. So Oyster was not involved in the battle itself.

However he was there to comfort Maji while xe worried over Turnip.. or Toilet? Oyster forgot Maji's parter's name as soon as Maji said it. Maji seemed grateful for Oyster's presense while they worried over their partner.

Post Blazing Battle

Oyster's life remained consistent even after the war was deemed over. He continued his fishing business as well as visiting Maji (although less frequently since Tenne returned). His life is sound and stable, and he enjoys it.



  • #57534F
  • #807C78
  • #A7A39F
  • #BDB9B5
  • #A5909B
  • #B08FB3
  • #46304F
  • #FFF7D5


  • He is a chubby little guy.
  • His teeth are slightly yellowed and jagged.
  • He is NOT soft and fluffy. Instead his pelt has a blubber like texture. He feels like a sea lion.
  • He usually has a fish or two by his side.


  • He dries out when out of water for too long. He prefers staying in the ocean because of this.
  • His favorite fish are clownfish.
  • He's technically rich but doesn't use his wealth for much. Aside from buying his constant supply of seaweed.
  • He collects shiny things he finds while out fishing.



Mr. Ray

Oyster's father. They get along well, although they rarely exchange more than 3 words.


Mrs. Ray

Oyster's mother. She's a little overbearing, but they still have a strong bond.



Oyster likes to visit him from time to time to collect free things. Maji manages to scrounge an object or two each time, and Oyster repays xem by being xeir friend. Oyster likes Maji a little more than he lets on, and would honestly be its friend even if it didnt pay him to.



Oyster sometimes provides her with pretty shells to add to her art projects. He thinks her art spices up the kingdom so he happily supplies her.