
10 months, 16 days ago


Name: Lune/Luna

Bio: A soft little bunny made from stardust, born to help deliver wishes made on falling stars. They use their moon pillow as a means to travel the night sky as well as taking comfy naps when they're off the clock.

They work together with other wish deliverers to help get the job done, they're super friendly and very affectionate. If you're sad they'll create tiny star crowns to cheer you up!

Likes: reading, crafting, plushies, pillows, lilac flowers, cookies and building blocks

Dislikes: scary movies, having their naps interrupted, loud noises and big scary bugs

Extra tidbits: 

- Can create little stars out of thin air, they can then use these stars as little night lights or means of comfort/decorations

- They like to tie up their ears into a small pony tail to keep them out of their face

- they sometimes like to wear overalls to help carry the stars they make to give to people

- In their free time they like to trace the stars and make their own constellations

- The moon pillow they carry has special patches after years of wear and tear, these patches are from their special adventures