
10 months, 7 days ago


Age: 22


Olive is Kizna's childhood best friend, who has known him longer than everyone else. Olive had no backbone and was bullied a lot as a kid until he met and started getting protected by Kizna. He grew up with helicopter parents that disapproved of self-expression and who wanted him to be a top student, and eventually become a lawyer. They only approved of Olive and Kizna's friendship because Kizna was an exceptional student as well.

When they were in highschool Kiki came into the picture, and Olive hated her at first because he was afraid he would become the third wheel in their friendship. He overcame his jealousy though and helped set Kiki up with Kizna. And when Kizna ghosted the both of them, they became each other's strongest source of support and became besties.

When they reunited with Kizna after 2 years, Olive realized he was in love with him and Kiki, but so much has changed that he doesn't know what to do. Because of them he escaped from his abusive parents and built up the courage to stand up for himself. He's basically in a bi panic.