Tamarai Xian [N] ($15)



6 years, 3 months ago


  • Name Tamarai Xian
  • Age 575
  • Gender Female
  • Race Demon
  • Faction Northern Kingdom

  • Orient. Straight
  • Species fox
  • Height 5'7"
  • Origin n/a
  • Theme ?


Tamarai was born into a lower-class family. Her father and mother fought for every dollar of income. They still had enough for the necessities, food, water, housing, but as for disposable income, it was basically zero. Some weeks, they would have a little extra and her parents would treat her, maybe with a new dress, or a popsicle, or even a new bow. But most of the time, she had to go with what they already had.

Growing up, her parents dumped most of their resources into their only child. When she was of age to go to school, they paid for the best school that they can afford, even if it meant cutting off some of their personal treats, like crisps, or barbeque, or sweets. She ended up being much more educated compared to either of her parents, being able to go through a schooling system that is many times better than that of the systems her parents went through.

As she got older, she wanted to be able to help her parents, so she returned hometo see her parents, and give back to what they had sacrificed. When she got back to the neighborhood, their house was gone. She began to ask the neighbors about what had happened to the old couple living down the street, saying the the palace decided to take them in. Tamarai was confused, as to why they had to do that. It was out of a hunger of power it turned out, deeming the two of them "useless to the kingdom" and they were excecuted. She wants to exact vengeance for her parents, people who devoted their lives in giving their child the best life possible.


  • Even though she is born of a lower-class family, she is much better off compared to other children of the same class. Considering her parents only had one child, they put in most of their expendable income into her, so she went to the good schools, had a good education, and ending up better off.
  • Growing up with a very low amount of given income from her parents, she learned how to haggle and bargain for the things she needed from the marketplace. She could, quite often, get prices lower than most upper-class citizens.
  • As she is very selfless, she frequently walks around the areas she grew up, seeing if anyone is in need of help or if she can do anything for anyone..
  • Because they wanted her to blossom despite the fact of the family she was born in, her parents named her Tamarai, which means Lotus Flower. A flower that tends to bloom even if its growing in sub-optimal conditions.

Skills and Abilites

  • Can hear footsteps and other noises from kilometers away.
  • Is able to use her tail to turn on a dime.
  • Knows how to take care of herself in the more dangerous neighborhoods of the kingdom.
  • Very well-versed bargainer.


Tamarai is a very selfless girl, with an attitude of help first, ask questions later. SHe was brought up to be quite frugal, and to be nice whenever she can. She accepted the fact that she had quite a different upbringing compared to other people of her stature, but she hold it dear to her heart, because without the nature of her upbringing and how her parents raised her, she wouldn't be the woman she is today. She is a family first type of girl, someone who does everything they can to give back to their parents when they become of age. But for her, they were not around when that time came.


  • Bows.
  • Giving gifts.
  • Helping others in need.
  • Popsicles.


  • Northern kingdom.
  • Royals and elites.
  • Receiving gifts (only because she doesn't get them often. She appreciates them).
  • Being betrayed.
Gift from Iceliarea