An and Shade



10 months, 24 days ago

Basic Info


An Pham




5'9 | 172cm


University Student

Favourite Food:





-Voices in Your Head

 Most powers from the event are a varied trait often being tied to the users biological systems with the going theory for a Meta-humans nature being tied to environment and genes. Purely memetic mods however are extremely rare and are often unstable and controlled only be extreme emotional discipline. An Pham possessed one such memetic mod with hers being unique even within the already rare classification. 

Suffering from selective mutism, An's childhood and youth were mired by isolation and self loathing suffering in complete silence unable to either physically or mentally seek help. It was during high school did she find solace albeit in a way that landed her under investigation for murder. Initially thought to not possess a power due do being at the edge of the explosions range, An in actuality simply hadnt discovered how to activate it until she was at her worse and was having a complete breakdown. The overflow of emotions manifested into a shadowy being that sprouted from her body and mortified the girl as her peers only went from concerned to confused unable to see what An was witnessing pour out of her body. What followed was horrific. The entity violently tore her classmates apart devouring their organs all to An's horror as she was paralyzed in disbelief. She passed out and once she came to, was completely bound in a hospital bed with armed guards. The police proceeded to question her about what had transpired informing her of the visceral scene and the peculiar fact that every victim was missing their liver; despite their questions, An could only desperately try to communicate the entity that had appeared. Following this she underwent some basic "tests" to gauge or find meta-abilities along with physical and psych evaluations that only made her seem more guilty once her emotional state was uncovered and the often faulty meta tests proved negative. 


 The news of her being charged for murder pushed her over the edge once more and this time a doctor witnessed one of the guards being eviscerated by an unknown force. Deeper tests revealed that there was in fact a creature with her, one invisible to the naked eye but appearing in the infrared spectrum presenting as a towering black figure with elongated claws. An was subject to a great many therapies following this in an effort to help her control and live with her new powers mostly focusing on emotional control. After about a year in medical treatment she was allowed to return to normalcy having been sent to 13' to start anew and avoid any issues her home might bring. She has since struggled to keep composure ever fearful of people learning of either her past or her powers while the spectre that follows her has made a point to drag her to safety whenever it does emerge so as to evade the authorities following attacks and its continued hunt for sustenance.