


9 months, 21 days ago


Name: Blacksmith (B-001)

Physical Appearance:

Species: Protogen

Gender: Female

Height: 6 ft.

Eye Color: Glowing orange

Visor: Standard protogen visor, with faint glowing patterns

Limbs: One arm on the right side, the other arm replaced with a powerful buzzsaw

Replaceable Hands: Both hands can be easily replaced with different tools, including a hammer, drill, or claw


Blacksmith possesses a sensitive, Non-co forming personality with a touch of Expressive Emotions due to a hijacked conscience program, despite being female in appearance.

She enjoys scrapping other robots and outdated protogens with her tools, finding it fun and satisfying.

Her personality can be somewhat malicious, as she mercilessly experiments on newer, damaged bots that are still active, seeking valuable materials.

Cunning and even-tempered, Blacksmith rarely loses her temper and remains focused on her goals.


Blacksmith was once an older protogen whose usefulness came to an end, and her creator, Dr. Gerhard Nemes, dumped her into the sewers, deeming her useless.

She was found and modified by Eco and her henchmen, transforming her into a protogen designed as a scrapper, specialized in recycling and scrapping other bots.

As the leader of the Shredding Centre, located near a recycling plant, Blacksmith's goal is to recycle outdated and discarded robots and protogens, turning them into ingots for upgrades and using their parts for newer bot enhancements.

Her right-hand man, Eco, shares the same goal, and together, they work towards recycling and upgrading robots in their quest for efficiency and resourcefulness.