...'s Comments

Hello, I would like to offer an trade for it! 

(Sonas, some mains (you can ask without problems!), stickmans, april fool and poraloid are off limits!)

So im kinda interested in these two:



[mainly asking for two cause im pretty attached to the little guy u asked for]

These two also seem interesting, but the two above interest me more so u would have a higher chance for trade!



Hello, sorry for the delay but I can give a swirling space coofe cookie without problems! 

Alright im cool whit that, imma send em over!

received! Really, thanks so much!. swirl is also pending 

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Sorry, dint rlly see anyone that got my interest, thx for offering tho!

So cool!  Would you like to trade for anyone here? https://toyhou.se/TastyAce/characters/folder:1715895 Can offer multiples!

Sorry, none of em catched my eye!

Np, ty!