Monochrome Spider



10 months, 15 days ago


mori morris

aka the monochrome spider or mono

the one and only spiderwoman... of earth - 242

16 year old, she/her/hers, 5'6 ½ with shoes

has been spiderwoman in her world for the last year

lives with her parents and two younger siblings

lost her grandparents to drunk drivers at the beginning of her spider-career and therefore dedicated her onward life to smaller crimes to prevent small unhappy events for those who don't deserve it. she often travels through climbing and jumping through the buildings and streets of her manhattan. occasionally she can use her web, though never for long due to it not being the strongest. 

gets to write in a column of one of the newspapers, mainly advice and stories of being the monochrome spider. mori's 'man' in the chair is actually her best friend from school, techy and smart, paisley. mori probably couldn't have created her suit without her help, mainly due to the fact that she'd rather do anything else then learn about tech stuff.

can be immature at times for her job, and miguel dislikes her in these times. hobie enjoys her jokes and most certainly mono's impression of miguel using her claws and fake vampire teeth, most spiders do, mayday and her have the same synergy at those times.

this is basically her ability rundown:

bit by a zebra spider that was experimented with, escaped, and took a chomp outta mono

mono gained the abilities as followed;

cat-like stealth

larger jumping

quicker reflexes

the ability to cause pain in scratches (occasionally can cause redness and swelling)

enhanced spidey senses that can become overwhelming

webbing isn't the strongest
