
10 months, 15 days ago


Suzuki Rokuro

demiboy (he/him)



March 27th


179 cm


GRIMM parade

main dancer

Rokuro is a boisterous and eccentric type, who enjoys entertaining people.
Not worried about how he may be perceived, he always speaks his mind and likes initiating interactions with others.

He has a particular way of speaking and expressing himself, usually everything he describes relates to angels and demons. He rationalizes confusing concepts by claiming that they are caused by either holy or cursed powers. More than likely upon meeting him you will be labelled as an angel, demon, fallen angel or something else entirely, yet neither of those terms are ever negative. Rokuro's perception of these religious terms is completely skewed, and he changes his own hierarchy of them constantly. There isn't much substance to it, but Rokuro likes relating everything to these familiar themes, as they help him feel more at peace, as well as just make it more fun to express himself.

Rokuro is easily excited, and active. His gestures are always broad, and he has a loud laugh and voice.

Alongside bright personality is his kind and sweet nature. He loves deeply and finds the concept of family extremely important. He cares for anyone he is even slightly close to, and dotes extra hard on his younger siblings, always spoiling them with various gifts. Although not as often, he likes giving presents to his friends as well, he doesn't even need any occasion, as his loved ones are on his mind at all times.

As an idol

Rokuro has the most duality in his idol persona, as he can act naively sweet and bubbly, matching Shouhei, or more forward and sly, complimenting Ryunosuke's act. Either way he is most active of the group, chatting with the fans whenever he can. Fans adore his open nature and enjoy seeing him act out all different scenarios and requests, as Rokuro really doesn't mind indulging his stan's ideas.

Just like in his behaviour, Rokuro has a great range in the performances he can give. He's truly capable of picking up any role, no matter how different it may be from his own personality. The only downside there may be, is that Rokuro's act tends to be on the more "exaggerated" side, giving a more goofy charm to his performance, but most find this fitting for GRIMM parade.
Likewise, Rokuro's vocal range is the best in the entire group, he does a lot with his voice, so he is no stranger to even altering it for specific songs.

He is the strongest member of the group, but he isn't necessary devoted to working out, his own energetic mannerisms and antics make him more agile than average.


Rokuro's childhood was quite unique. He didn't have a regular upbringing due to the fact that he was born into a cult.
Naturally for most of his life he was very unaware of how odd his life was and how many terrible things has happened. Rokuro doesn't remember a lot of his childhood, most memories are seemingly sealed away by his own brain, as he can only dig deep enough while talking to his therapist, and even then a lot of it is too blurry to make sense to him.

What he recalls is that he always had a big family. He had many brothers and sisters of all ages, and he spent most of the time with them. Rokuro doesn't remember adults much, usually the youngest were taken care of by the older kids, and they would stick together at all times.
Rokuro remembers how they would learn how to clean up, cook and sew together; how they would play in the fields and run around in the forest; how they would always wear matching white clothes; how his older siblings would secretly give them treats after dinner; and how he really didn't like to wake up early to read through the "bible" every morning.

Simple and sweet memories like these sometimes feels nostalgic to him, but trying to recall even a bit more devastates Rokuro. He is well aware that many other aspects of his upbringing were wrong: how the kids would start working alongside adults from a young age, how they were not allowed to disagree with the "bible", how they were supposed to get married before turning 16 to a person chosen by the leader, and how cruel and unjust the rules of his community were. Rokuro was always a good kid, but it doesn't mean he hasn't witnessed what type of punishments were common around him, and if the kids got it bad, the adults would get it worse. Rokuro knows very well, that upsetting their leader could cost you your life, and just how morbid the funeral would always be.

Before Rokuro would turn into another brainwashed victim something happened… Rokuro isn't sure what, he was too young to know what was going on between all the adults, but one day something felt off. Seemingly a celebration was about to happen, and before Rokuro could get excited about it, he was promptly taken away by one of the adults.

A few older people in the cult, visibly distressed and upset, took Rokuro and some of his siblings and ran away. One couldn't disobey the adult, so they followed, their worried questions of "why" and "where" left unanswered. From what Rokuro could gather from the hurried mumbling, the leader wasn't happy with them all, and that to earn his forgiveness they would have to "move on to their next lives". Whatever that meant, didn't sit right with the adults rushing the kids to leave, they insisted there is a different way to get to their new lives, that leader's approach was cruel and wrong.
Rokuro doesn't like thinking about what all of that meant for him or the siblings that were left behind. But he knows that the moment of clarity from those people really did save them.

It certainly didn't feel that way at the time, they were simply left at the nearest road, told to wait for a car (albeit none of them ever seen one before), and ask someone for help.
When someone driving by came across seven young kids, crying and wearing odd clothing, too scared to even get close to a stranger, it was obvious the authorities would have to get involved.

After that it gets pretty blurry again, being taken by the police, thrown into the "real world" full of completely foreign concepts and things, was simply traumatizing. Besides, all kids felt terrified after running away, fearing the "wrath of god" that would follow their escape. Yet, while they were waiting for that, the children would be separated, and eventually all found new families and foster homes.

Rokuro himself was lucky enough to be adopted into a big family alongside two of his siblings. He lost contacts with the rest, and the ones left behind... he had no idea what happened to them. Years later he was simply informed that on the day of their escape the cult had ceased to exist, and no one was left behind. Rokuro prefers to think that everyone has run away.

After a stressful transition, Rokuro found himself struggling to adjust to his new life. As much as he was appreciative of his new family, what he was taught from the very young age wouldn't let him be happy. He had to be a horrible sinner for running away. Those who made them leave had to be rotten and cursed traitors, and all the outsiders were undoubtedly evil demons. But that just didn't align with reality. Of course being thrown into a new life scared and hurt Rokuro a lot, but all the adults seemed kind, they gave them shelter and food, new clothes and toys. They all had new families even... That just didn't sound like something horrible monsters would do.

And so Rokuro found a way to explain it all. The leader was wrong, and the "bible" was cruel, but one was thing was correct, the demons and their cursed powers were definitely all around him. They just weren't bad! In fact, everyone had a bit of demonic power in them as well as angelic blessings, but in different amounts.

This explanation made total sense to Rokuro, letting him move on from his past and seal it away, now paying attention to his new life, accepting it all as a good change no matter how weird and strange it would occasionally feel.
His family supported Rokuro, even though his blabbing barely made sense, no one would correct him or dispute his logic.

Naturally Rokuro never went to school so after the escape he was enrolled into one, he didn't do well academically, but he was not pressured into studying too hard. He found the whole experience fun despite it being fairly short.
Maybe Rokuro didn't attain all the knowledge of the average student, but he met new people and made friends. Even though some students found him odd, Rokuro really didn't care, treating everyone with the same excited friendliness.
During his last years studying, with the help of one of his teachers, Rokuro joined a theatre club and he loved it. His passion for acting was recognized by the teacher and that later lead to Rokuro also taking vocal lessons, as the teacher insisted he had a talent for that too.

Once the school was over, Rokuro didn't have much to do, so he would pick up odd jobs here and there, just to bring some money to his family, as well as simply helping around the house. In his free time he would be very active online, keeping in touch with high school friends and trying to make new ones. Some time later, one such friend, aware of Rokuro's singing abilities, asked him to cover a song with them. The experience was fun and exciting, Rokuro started volunteering himself to any and all collabs he could come across, eventually singing alongside Ryunosuke.

Rokuro knew Ryunosuke was a known content creator, so when he got an offer to sing with him again, Rokuro quickly agreed. Later he was even invited to join Ryunosuke's own unit, where he met timid and jumpy Shouhei.
They started to work together, creating content by covering various songs. Soon Ryunosuke-sama came up with a more ambitious plan, suggesting they should become idols to "take over the world". And as Ryunosuke-sama was creative he was also dedicated, so his great plan would become a reality, when all three have debuted as GRIMM parade.

Currently, as an idol, Rokuro lives in the dorms with Shouhei and Ryunosuke.

  • Acting/Role-playing/Cosplaying
  • Sewing and knitting
  • Plushies
  • Vocaloid songs
  • Angels and demons
  • Complete silence
  • Needles
  • Doctors
  • Complicated technologies
  • Remembering his childhood
  • He is the youngest member of the group.
  • His representative animal is a wolf.
  • He is sort of a jack of all trades wehn it comes to chores: he can fix a lot of things around the house, cook and sew clothes.
  • He likes buying trinkets, plushes and toys wherever he goes for all of his family members.
  • The actual number is unknown, but Rokuro has over 40 people he considers his "siblings". The large number comes from the fact that he includes people from his previous family, as well as all legal siblings and fosters in his new one.
  • His current family consists of his mom, her platonic partner, 6 adopted children including Rokuro, and about 10 foster children who either are currently staying at the house or have already moved out.
  • He is very good with kids, able to handle a bunch of them at the same time, he works with the rowdiest and most active children the best.
  • He likes playing any role that is exciting and has a lot of action. He enjoys voice acting as well.
  • Due to the fact that most his life he hasn't even heard of hospitals, doctors and everything that has to do with them terrifies Rokuro. He doesn't refuse going to doctors or receiving treatment but he is always very nervous when he has to.
Taiki Boyfriend

A demon with deadly looks, Taiki is easy to fall in love with. As after he captures your heart with his charisma, he then makes you stay by his side forever by showing his more grounded side… Quite a smart technique, and Rokuro is very happy it was used on him.
Taiki is strong, confident and capable of transforming himself into different people according to a script, an ability Rokuro himself possesses but certainly not to such extent. And as much as Taiki’s demonic skills clearly meant to blow away people with just how cool he is, Rokuro got a keen eye, and he is very aware there is much more to his boyfriend.
Taiki can be sweet and kind, he is extremely protective of the people he loves, not letting any harm come their way. He matches Rokuro’s energy well, and doesn’t mind a good challenge. To Rokuro, there is simply no other being capable of providing him with such sense of security.

Kotoya Boyfriend

If angels were to be real (which they are) Kotoya is a prime example of one. He is kind, thoughtful and his presence alone is powerful enough to make your day better.
Rokuro is very proudly and happily enchanted by Kotoya's gentle and sweet nature. Simply listening to Kotoya talking about some complicated topic he’s never heard of in his entire life, or just cuddling him, all of it is addicting to Rokuro, as he can't imagine existing without Kotoya’s wonderful charms.
If anything, it is very clear to Rokuro that it's his life's calling to praise and worship this deity he gets to call his boyfriend. And Kotoya is more than worthy of all the love, considering how precious he is. It’s actually quite amazing how effortlessly cute he can be, Kotoya really can just exist and do nothing and Rokuro will find at least 10 different reasons as to why he is excellent.

Ryunosuke-sama Best friend

They both are unashamed to keep up their respective acts in public, both are bold and confident in their expressions.

Ryunosuke appreciates Rokuro's passionate nature, and he can't help but feel protective of him. Ryunosuke finds Rokuro's world-view very creative, he always agrees with his underling. He is also always ready to explain anything that Rokuro haven't heard about.
Rokuro is genuinely loyal to Ryunosuke, believing him to be the strongest fallen angel out of them all. He sees how hard their leader works, and always offers to take care of any errands, just to make it easier for Ryunosuke. He also carries Ryunosuke on his back when he is unwell doesn't feel like walking.

Shouhei Best friend

The most dedicated underlings of Ryunosuke-sama. They have an almost brotherly bond, and balance each other out with their drastically different personalities.

Rokuro thinks Shouhei is precious, and even though he's younger he acts like a big brother sometimes, offering to do things that Shouhei finds overwhelming. He is also the designated member that Shouhei falls asleep on.
Shouhei feels at peace around Rokuro, and makes sure Rokuro takes care of himself. Shouhei easily plays along with his antics, simply accepting his role of a demon-angel-brother.