Parade's Comments

I can send money for this guy now! lemme know when you're ready for that ^^ Thank you for holding!

Yes that'd be cool :3 [email protected] 

okay sending now! also wondering for my payments, would i be able to send some through the widget with points on DA..? I started making some adopts so i got 300 points to send that way if you need em!

they changed something about points widget on DA where it takes out some percentage. idk i haven't used it in many years. i occasionally use points to commission people though, so if you don't need the 300  points, we can use that as a $3 off coupon or something

ahh yeah they did mess with it. Before it was like no percentage if you were core/20% if you werent but now you have to upgrade to like the higher core+ or some dumb shit like that. Ofc they're gonna make the consumer pay for it so yeahh

Lemme know if you wanna do that now and i can send the points to ya from my alt adopt account! maybe it can go towards a cheapy you're holding for me and i can pay off that character once i get paid next! (christmas is soon too, so yeah, i'll def get more money before then, at least a small chunk from family)

just hang on to the points til next time you wanna pay something, then the points can be partial payment

1 Replies

money has been sent!

got it, thank you :) 

np! i cant wait to draw him now that i got him X3