


10 months, 12 days ago



name nuh briar
age 21
gender female (she/her)
height 5'6" (168 cm)
species humanoid
birthday april 1st
orientation pansexuaL︎
star sign ♈︎

Nuh is successfully (?) compiled DNA between two deceased women in which a deranged experimentist was infatuated with. With a few sprinkles of agama lizard and well, uh…housecat, for funsies?

She’s lacking in some basics of societal norms and etiquette. Her speech is not very fluent either and often carries out with a slight stutter which becomes more apparent with intense emotion.

It wasn’t long before the man responsible for creating her saw her unfit for his "dream girl" fantasy, simply letting her run rampant.


What Nuh is lacking in she definitely makes up for in appetite and strength.

While she gives off an empty stare by default, Nuh is actually quite reactive when being talked to. She cannot hide a thing behind her face and will let how she feels be clearly seen.

She's prone to outbursts of both positive & negative emotion. She has a raw demeanor that can give off an almost feral-like quality to her.


  • She made a name for herself, "nuh" being the first word to come from her creator once the process of her being made was complete. And "Briar" in reference to an American ice-cream brand she became very fond of.
  • Nuh has three eyelids (a "nictitating membrane" more specifically), just as cats and many reptiles do!
  • Many of her limbs were individually bioprinted before being seamed together, explaining her visible stitches.
  • She is reactive to catnip, silvervine, and valerian alike.
  • Her skeletal/muscular structures are a combination of organic and robotic components. Giving her a strength and stamina that is more advanced than the average human, let alone the average woman of her stature and build.
Design Notes

  • Ectomorphic, slender body-type. Small mole under her right eye.
  • Pupils are slits that enlarge during excitement, fear, or anxiety.
  • Feet and hands are feline-like paws. Her hands are commonly tucked away under cloth, however.
  • Sewing pins are optional or can be inconsistently drawn.
  • Slight bags underneath eyes. Has slight fangs.