Trajes Faurux



10 months, 6 days ago


Name: Trajes Faurux

Blood: Pyrite {Mutant}

Age: 10.5 sweeps

Strife Specibus: CandlestickKind

Physical Appearance: 1.78 meters tall, triangular body shape, thin neck and only trace fat/muscle tone. Mole in middle of chin, and a squashed but defined nose.

His most iconic ensemble is headlined by the rigorous upkeep of his hair, treated with lots of product to keep a stiff nest of spikes and his front bangs dyed with bright gold formula, flaked with pyrite flakes. He dons a heather black shirt and sweatpants, a taupe smoking jacket (with bronze epaulettes that's held together with golden cord and swoops into a duck-tail in the back) , and a tri-colour masquerade mask that's rather worn. May otherwise wear a grey denim jacket in place of the dress jacket.

Personal History: One of the sons of Stygia and Rutaci, Trajes grew in isolation. Not much is specifically known about his past, besides having a therapist, being a bachelor, and events involving a troll who Trajes knew who died. For whatever reasons, Trajes began work as a medical comedian, and continues to do so.

Personality Type/Alignment: The Constant {Chaotic Good}

Trajes is a force of optimism...even in situations where said optimism isn't the most appropriate. Oftentimes, he's prone to a seemingly naïve disposition when faced with questions about his mortality. His mutant status being brought up in either concern or in mockery does not typically shake him from his cheery demeanour, nor does dire health concerns for himself or others. He has a tendency to deflect in the face of criticism - especially about his career choices - and this leads to Trajes' reactions to situations coming off as alarming or even creepy. Looking slightly beneath the surface, he's stubborn, difficult to impress, and obsessed with outward appearances

Most pressingly, is this behavioural tendency a result of his core personality, or a blanket of denial that he's made for himself? 


Ashter Faurux (@memurfevur) - A biological relative of Ashter's, who appears more baffled by Trajes' than the average troll, and one whom Trajes' has taken a personal liking to, even if the feeling is not necessarily mutual.

Aylein Settou - His therapist and fill-in lusus, he's been in The Superego's care since he was much younger, and he looks up to her for guidance and security with connections that give him rare luxuries for a mutant-blood. Trajes trusts Aylein implicitly and it fuels the progress in his ambitions and his mental health.

Zaldes ?????? - An old friend of Trajes' who died during some sort of battle that Trajes was implied to have partaken in as well. The memory of his friend brings the Pyrite some pain, but what memories he has of Zaldes offer comfort when others can't replace them. But who was Zaldes, really...?


Name Origin: Triage (prioritizing certain patients in a medical emergency) + jester (clown, comedian). Last name comes from "faux rock" per Memurfevur, related to being a Pyriteblood

Likes: Strawberry shortcake, being a comedian, makeup, caramel corn, 



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