R they still pending after 9 mounths?

i can offer 30$ and a fullbody (example) if the other person backs out :>

I can do 3 fulls :3

25 and art? :’0

Ahhh I adore your artsyle! What kind of art do you offer? 👀 And what species are you most comfortable drawing? 

Tell me if you are no longer interested in the character please! I will then choose from other offers ':D

hi im really sorry! ive been busy so havent gotten time to respond, yes im still interested ! for art im willing to do a sketchy chibi scene or a sketchy fullbody, both are colored and slightly rendered

ahh no worries that's alright ^^ I'll be very happy to receive a sketchy fullbody from you! I'll dm you with the character for the art and my paypal! 

25$ and a fullbody

hiiiiiiiiiiiiii, i would be able to do a art trade if you are interested! the most recent pieces in my art tab resemble my most current art! i can provide more examples if you want :))