Enyo Barone



9 months, 13 days ago


aye aye captain 08/07
Enyo Barone
aliases: N/A
gender: Apagender — whatever prns
orientation: ???
born: 09/27, 27
ethnicity: caucasian
occupation: prosecutor
residence: lestead, USA
height: 5'11" / 180 cm
eyes/hair: brown / orange
etc: human — partial sight

A young lawyer who practices in the Lestead area who believes herself above the law. Enyo can be extremely charismatic when she wants to be, though she has a tendency not to use that skill unless she feels like it. More often than not she's a blunt asshole who uses her skills as a prosecutor to convince people of random lies she comes up with for fun.

  • Born in Lestead, returned after graduating law school for unknown reasons
  • Spends most of her time indoors terrorizing people in chatrooms, some of which are her online friends
  • Estranged from her family despite living locally
  • Eyes are naturally brown; wears blue contact lenses when possible
    • Otherwise wears tinted glasses as a means of obscuring eye color
  • The section of her bangs that look like feathers are dyed, the rest of the feathers are custom accessories
  • Adds a mole under her left eye with makeup
  • Despite looking like a captain, cannot drive anything other than a car
Bellona Barone twin sister
Estranged twin sisters, Enyo and Bel are extremely bitter towards one another. Enyo actively alters her appearance to look different from Bel to avoid association. Despite this, they do care for each other deep down.