Yess Sirrr



10 months, 7 days ago


Yess Sirrr
Teenager . He/Him . Cat/Alien . Anonymity has lead him to stupid places


As obvious as it seems Yess Sirrr isn't his actual name but his online handle for many websites. He takes his anonymity very seriously, so seriously that it's not even listed on this profile, that's stupid. He's your usual internet troll, being a snarky bastard who throws insults left and right. It's such a pain talking to this guy cause he always sees himself in the right in every argument or convo, Man, maybe those free online classes do work.

Outside of the computer, he's some alien where he isn't supposed to be, not even on the right planet. Bonus points cause he's stranded. He’s your stereotypical “geep zoot mip zorp 👽” type alien and takes great pride in that. People don’t believe him though, I guess head accessories are popular in that area. He's your usual teenage boy; thinking he's more mature than actuality. Not as outgoing in real life though, he believes he can just do everything online (He doesn’t know what digital footprint is), hence why he doesn’t have friends outside the web. I guess that why he has less of a reason to go outside


  • Mth dew
  • His computer
  • MMO RPGs
  • Trolling on the Web


  • Going outside
  • Non room temperature settings
  • Irl confrontation
  • Flying Saucers