


10 months, 24 days ago


"Move it dweebs."
BRAMBLEFAWN she/her + they/them

Former Names  Bramblekit

Gender Female

Apprentice Rabbitpaw

Rank Warrior

Residence Stoneclan

Theme content


Bramblefawn's fur is peach cream which darkens around her ears and towards the base of her tail. These darker flecks adorn her in clouds on her face, chest, paws and back. Her tail tip, left paws' toes, and a unique diamond shape on her forehead are a lighter color. Bramblefawn's fur is short except on her tail and cheeks, which she purposefuly brushes out to make them appear larger. She keeps her fur sleek and wouldn't be caught dead looking ruffled or unkempt. Her eyes are a bright gold, which darken around her deep black pupils.

Design notes
  • Any darker flecks across her body can be randomized!
  • content
  • this is a sub plot for the content above!
  • this is a sub plot for the content above but with a link (to show any hidden or specific stuff)! (see/click here)
  • content
  • content

Bramblefawn is a brazen warrior who tends to let her mouth run. Being doted on by the Clan at a young age left her with an inflated ego and a belief that she is able to do whatever she wants without repercussion. They can be extremely petty and willing to play dirty in order to get their desired results. Her self-centered nature hides their true fears of being left out or forgotten by others; their philosophy is that any attention is worthwhile, whether it be good or bad. Despite everything, Brambelfawn will take on a leadership role if it is needede and, despite bossing other cats around relentlessly, is skilled at getting tasks done. She enjoys being around like-minded individuals who are exceedingly confident and have a desire to have fun at other cats' expense.

  • foggy weather
  • soft places to sleep
  • being in charge
  • dirt & filth
  • losing
  • being left out

















Faith in StarClan


Orphaned after her mother Pooljump passed during childbirth, her father killed in a skirmish against StickClan and her siblings fading soon after birth, her half-brother and permaqueen Meadowclaw took her into his care. He babied her constantly and the Clan often overlooked her wrongdoings due to her tragic beginning in life. She looked up to Meadowclaw as a parent and guardian and loved him dearly when she was young. As time when on, she grew to resent him due to his important status in the Clan and his humble attitude. She believed he only cared for her to improve his own reputation and once she became an apprentice, she abandoned him and refused all care and love he offered her.

Around the ending of her apprenticeship she met Mercury, her Clanmate's Sunpool's older kittypet sister. She quickly grew enamored with her due to her gorgeous looks and charm and would often leave camp or her apprentice duties to go visit her, never hiding her relationship with the kittypet. Mercury would shower her with affection and attention for her own merits that she so desperately craved, and twisted her into her own personal muscle. Mercury would lead her on attacks against anyone who dared question her authority or who she needed to get even with, and Bramblepaw would attack without hesitation at her discretion. The two often spoke of her leaving Clan life behind to come live with Mercury in Twolegplace.

Sunpool confronted Bramblefawn and tried to warn her of Mercury's true twisted and manipulative nature, but Bramblefawn believed that Sunpool had been the instigator of all the hardships she'd endured with her family due to Mercury recounting a false narrative as to why Sunpool left Twolegplace to join StoneClan. After spewing harsh words she ran off to Twolegplace where she called out for Mercury, ready to begin her new life as a kittypet and leave her Clan behind. But Mercury, backed by other kittypets, laughed at the notion. She told her that she never gave a damn and that Bramblefawn was a fool to believe her for so long, and thanked her for the blood she'd spilled for her. Humiliated and betrayed she ran off; unable to go to Twolegplace and unwilling to face her Clan, she made it as far as she could before collapsing in exhaustion.

Rescued by a vagabond ( later known as Icebrook ) he nursed her back to health and Bramblefawn went by 'Fawn' for the time being. The two travelled together until homesickness pulled Bramblefawn back to StoneClan, and the two joined the Clan. Bramblefawn has grown close to many of her Clanmates and has made ammends with Sunpool, but still struggles with her insecurity and anger that Mercury had left her with.


  • She obsessively keeps her fur clean and will often spend hours grooming herself.
  • She tracks down fresh featherdown for her nest each time it's changed and, recently, has begun bringing Maplespots along.
  • She enjoys tending to her Clanmates' coats and making them into different styles.

Mate ( Outside of Cannon )

Enemies to lovers. Bramblefawn couldn't stand Tigerpounce because of her abrasive nature and muddy paws, and the two would get into daily bickering sessions. Over time this banter became something Bramblefawn would look forward to in her daily routine, and she would become more irritable if she didn't see Tigerpounce that day. When Bramblefawn realized that she had developed feelings for Tigerpounce she was horrified.

Best Friend

Bramblefawn's closest companion. After she returned from her self-inflicted exile she and Maplespots became fast friends due to their mutual losses, and helped lift each other up at their lowest points. Now the two are inseperable and can usually be found sharing tongues, food, or local gossip with each other. Bramblefawn would lay down her own life for Maplespots if necessary.


Originally introduced to her by Tigerpounce, Bramblefawn has always enjoyed Ivypounce's presence. Her pretty doe-like face and gleaming coat was enough to convince Bramblefawn to keep her within her clique, but she was pleasantly surprised at how easy Ivypounce is to talk to. Despite not having much of own input, Bramblefawn has no issue filling up the space between both of them with her own chatter. She takes Ivypounce's opinion on matters seriously, and holds her in high regard.


Bramblefawn has always appreciated Icebrook since he saved her from her own self destructive tendencies after her breakup with Mercury. He provided her with more than food and shelter when she had nowhere to go, but a shoulder to lean on while she dealt with her feelings of grief and resentment. When she was ready to return to StoneClan she was elated that he decided to come with her. Bramblefawn sees Icebrook as a brother and, if given the chance, would go through everything all again if it meant he stayed with her.

code by jiko