


6 years, 12 days ago



Name [Callicyanous]
Age [Very Old]
Build [Long]
Species [Effigie]
Gender [Hermafrodite]
Oreint. [Pan]
Pronouns [She/her]
Occupation [Doctor]
Role [Supporting character]
Emploi ["Ghost place host"]
Design Notes

  • She hasn't a visible mouth, but she kindly shows us it [in her neck] by opening her mantle.
  • Her shell isn't always highly-strong. Calli has textures of boiled shrimp almost everywhere. But back parts will be very hard [like cancer's shell].
  • Tall. Or "long" maybe. That's due to her age. Young effigies haven't potential to stretch in this manner due to the absence of shell-folds.
  • When she becomes longer her wais become thin and when "shorting" her waist became thick. Palms can become longer/shorter too, but it will be work of retraction/pulling of their parts.
  • Hasn't a transparent coating-glasses due to trauma, but wears artificial glasses.
  • Her whiskers are a receptacle for very small tentacles, covered with soft shells.

"It is possible that you have pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis, I'm sorry." -Calli

Callie is a supporting character and is an "official owner" of space Kosey lives - the hospital I mentioned earlier. She's also the very "tender friend" of Mooha.

So far, she is wasting time to maintain life in the abandoned building by developing home maintenance skills - she has never been interested, - and has problems implementing some of the more important things [investing in her own future, for example]. "I have no time" is her explanation.
Callicyanous is afraid that if she leaves this place one day, it will collapse, and she will not even have the opportunity to somehow prevent it. Not to mention the possible injury of her "special patient."

Callie is slightly annoyed by the presence of extra creatures in the residence. But she understands that this is better than the absolute musty stagnation as it was before. Though, despite of appreciation of entertainment, she doesn't play the "Pharaohs games" with Kosey and refers to him by name, despite all his efforts;

  • Pretty calm clam.
  • Becomes awkward when in a hurry;
  • Usually, she uses polite-enough words in communication, doesn't use affectionate expressions.
  • She loves medicine very much and really loved her profession.
  • Likes to give advice, usually rough and formulated in a professional language, because of what is inaccessible.
  • Her fundamental neutrality and unwillingness to obey certain patterns leads to the fact that she can help both "enemies" and "friends", but believes she has neither first nor the other.

[Bad house-manager]
Effigies very often bonding their life with house management and caring, system work and tuning. Callicyanous doesn't, she was interested in the biology of alive creatures. The love for her profession limited her basic skills. Moreover, she has a certain dislike for such things as cleaning and cooking, House system maintenance and socialization.
Currently, she knows only the way to manage the hospital, but her skills aren't enough to fix/set settings in another place. Well, until she hasn't any desire to get these skills. She would like to treat her time to develop medicine knowledge, in fact, but she feels responsible for every in-hospital person too.

[Professional brainfixer]
Her profession of the past is a "Neurosurgeon" [The definition is selected according to the main features and coincidences; in fact, her profession belongs to another world with specific anatomy features and, probably, should have a slightly different name.], but the past is passed. She doesn't work by profession. At the moment, she needs more skills, in addition to digging in other being's brains. She has no restrictions [as strict as vampires or lawbreakers have] on visiting other Houses and has a social life in the end. Lectures and courses helps her to develop additional skill, but she isn't able to get another professional education.

Though, at a time when the "Town" project was working and the Hospital was active, Calli was supposed to be the executioner for Mooha's brains. But Calli is a relatively principled doctor, and the process of postponing her work led to the most pleasant result for the little journalist.


  • Knowledge
  • Life, own and others
  • Moisure, bathrooms, cold shower
  • Beer smell
  • Mooha

  • Cleanup
  • Hurry
  • Social stigmatization
  • Break own day's routine
  • See the suffering