Ahhope Nsmiss



6 years, 2 days ago

Basic Info



She handles radio communications between Viscus Crew, and later, Dawn's army.

Optimistic and hopeful for the future, it is hard to keep her spirits down--even when she's clearly failing at something. Her optimism is strong enough to encourage others-- most of the time. Occasionally, she will sit up on a radio tower to see how far she can transmit and receive radio waves; plus, it's a really nice view of the night sky up there.


A Bat-Owl (on account fo the soundwaves they listen to). Here's a ref - https://file.toyhou.se/images/8766990_hhaIF77S6DaSSab.png

Typing Quirk:

Honestly doesn't type all that much; she uses an app for voice-to-text speech, so sometimes her words translate weird.



Name Ahhope Nsmiss
Age 21
Birthday August 26th
Gender Female
Height 6'1
Sexuality Bisexual
Species/Race Alternian
HemospectrumPastel Pink
Lusus Bat-Owl
Weight 191 lbs
Main Reference x
Alternate Outfits x

Hopeful | Spirited |

Optimistic and hopeful for the future, it is hard to keep her spirits down--even when she's clearly failing at something. Her optimism is strong enough to encourage others-- most of the time. Occasionally, she will sit up on a radio tower to see how far she can transmit and receive radio waves; plus, it's a really nice view of the night sky up there.


  • People touching/playing with his hair.
  • Spas
  • Kickboxing
  • Commitment


  • When he does not act in time of crisis
  • Fighting
  • Disloyal people



Power and Abilities

Plasm |She can release a pastel pink goop from his fingertips, which allows her to attack or stick things together. She uses her pastel pink goop to climb things like radio towers.

Radio Always has a radio device or communicator at the ready. 

Not v strong but good with a gun.  


  • Strong
  • Brutal when needed


  • Hesitates to fight



  • This troll is part of a set of trolls that were based of the Coldplay album, Mylo Xyloto. 
  • Her theme song is 'A HOPEFUL TRANSMISSION', and is such is heavily based  around that song. Her name for instance, is a rearrangement of that  letters in 'A HOPEFUL TRANSMISSION.' Her horns as well as symbol are  also based off said theme.
  • Honestly doesn't type all that much; she uses an app for voice-to-text speech, so sometimes her words translate weird.
  • Ahhope has mutant blood. Althoguh pastel pink, it would have been fuchisa, had it not mutated.

Design Notes

  • x