


10 months, 17 days ago


Name: Oliver

Nicknames: Oli

Age: 19

Gender: Male | He/ Him

Species: Cat Pony

Sexuality: He is not sure

Relationship: Single


About: Oliver can come off as a quiet pony, mostly because he doesn't see the point of talking with others. He prefers to be in a quiet place. Alone.
He both keeps to himself and keeps things TO himself, even if it's his family. He just isn't very open. Unless it's his anger. Oliver is a bit of a grump and though it's hard to get him yelling, he may throw a book or two if needed. He is pretty easily annoyed.
Most would say he is a nerd, but he will deny it [He will deny a lot of things]. Though he loves reading and comics...and maybe the occasional manga or thirty-
Oliver is quite anti-social and has a slight English accent that becomes more prominent when he is angry or annoyed enough [Possibly when he is really sleepy as well].
He likes sleeping in sunny spots.

Likes: Napping, Books, Comics/Manga, Sleeping, Warm cozy spots, Stories,
Dislikes: Being woken up [Will become very grumpy and may even retaliate], Water, Cold, Thunder, Loud noises [Even other beings. Though he can get used to a loud being if they are close], Horror movies, Really tight spaces, Hugs [He has to really like you]



Design notes
Has three freckles on both cheeks.
His Old Design
[I may have to reupload him. But i got his original design from this being. All credits to the original go to them!]