Doctor Monroe



10 months, 4 hours ago



Name Doctor Monroe
Age 27 years of age
Gender Female
Height 6'3"
Role Lead of Robotics in E.I.
Sexuality Questioning

❝ Please let me out of here..❞

Doctor Monroe used to be an incredibly intelligent and enthusiastic person, incredibly rich and wellknown in her field of Robotics for revolutionizing cyborg technology and other experimental technology relating to human beings. She successfully prolonged the human life with technology and coined the process of putting another human being's conciousness into a piece of tech. Unfortunately her advancements would come to bite back at her when she was responsible for helping achieve the apocalyptic event known as the Tipping Point and upon trying to leave would be murdered and put inside a computer to rot away in an eternal prison.

Monroe now lives out her days inside of a computer, no one knew where she had gone besides those of higher power in Evizion INC., the company she worked for. She was forced to watch the end of the world and the next 200 years following that. She saw what she had caused and due to this has developed severe mental illnesses. Up until recently she had been alone the entire time, but upon discovering that Sebastian, her old coworker, and Sammy, her robotic creation, were still alive and were investigating the building she resided in she held some hope that some day she would be freed of her computer prison and would be allowed to finally rest in peace.


  • Robotics
  • Science
  • Discovering the unknown
  • Cryptic or naturally occuring creatures; life!
  • Horror movies


  • Loneliness
  • Failure; every project must follow through
  • Commitment; far too many heartbreaks
  • Boring movies
  • Inability to do what she loves


Known only as 'Doctor Monroe', Monroe lived a life of mostly solitude. With a history of anxiety disorders and learning disabilities; she never quite fit in and dedicated a lot of her time to learning which is where she found her passion for robotics and science. Due to never truly fitting in, some view Monroe as never actually growing out of her highschool era; keeping her punk style and plentiful earrings way into her professional career at the robotics company known as Envizion INC.. She built up her skills, graduating highschool and going through college with the idea that she would change the world with robotics. She ended up doing exactly that but unintentionally causing the apocalyptic event known as 'the tipping point'. She would go missing days prior to the event occuring, with her reammurging after most of the population had died out as a computer in the basment of Envizion INC. where she would remain for several hundred years to come in complete solitude.


Vivamus vitae ligula ligula. Aenean non sem eget dui vehicula laoreet. Vestibulum magna est, consequat in fermentum eu, sodales sit amet sem. In rutrum purus sed ipsum consectetur, sit amet ornare urna rutrum. Vesti id dapibus nibh, sit amet pharetra felis. Proin eget porta metus. Vestibulum eu ex libero. Proin eu quam sed mauris faucibus viverra sed non libero. Integer placerat tellus ut ligula cursus convallis. Proin pretium a nisi ut dignissim. Duis ut iaculis urna, ut condimentum est.

Proin congue eros dolor, eget commodo augue gravida ac. In feugiat pulvinar dolor, eu cursus nisi commodo et. Pellentesque consequat porttitor ullamcorper. Mauris venenatis hendrerit sodales. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nullam non bibendum dolor. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Integer sagittis erat ac justo egestas, at lacinia velit eleifend. Aenean convallis dolor vitae nisi gravida, at condimentum nibh porta. Pellentesque efficitur purus a sapien imperdiet, nec feugiat turpis sollicitudin. Sed in rutrum dolor. Phasellus augue sem, varius vel odio id, semper condimentum elit. Sed quis.


Nullam non bibendum dolor. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Integer sagittis erat ac justo egestas, at lacinia velit eleifend. Aenean convallis dolor vitae nisi gravida, at condimentum nibh porta. Pellentesque efficitur purus a sapien imperdiet, nec feugiat turpis sollicitudin. Sed in rutrum dolor. Phasellus augue sem, varius vel odio id, semper condimentum elit. Sed quis molestie turpis. Sed quis molestie turpis. In feugiat pulvinar dolor.

Proin congue eros dolor, eget commodo augue gravida ac. In feugiat pulvinar dolor, eu cursus nisi commodo et. Pellentesque consequat porttitor ullamcorper. Mauris venenatis hendrerit sodales. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nullam non bibendum dolor. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Integer sagittis erat ac justo egestas, at lacinia velit eleifend. Aenean convallis dolor vitae nisi gravida, at condimentum nibh porta. Pellentesque efficitur purus a sapien imperdiet, nec feugiat turpis sollicitudin. Sed in rutrum dolor. Phasellus augue sem, varius vel odio id, semper condimentum elit.



Everything Stays  ∙  Olivia Olson

Apocalypse  ∙  Cigarettes After Sex

Lovely  ∙  Billie Eilish + Khalid

Golden Hour  ∙  JVKE


  • Monroe's conciousness was placed inside a computer.
  • She was murdered by Envizion Inc. when she tried to quit.
  • She's responsible for several heinous experiments on humankind.
  • Responsible for the creation of the first cyborg.
  • Had a hand in the apocalyptic event that ended the world.
  • Has been isolated inside the basement of Envizion Inc. for roughly 200 years.




Monroe's coworker at E.I, they worked closely together for several years and over that period of time Monroe was responsible for transforming Sebastian into one of the first successful cyborg attempts on a human. They were never close and Monroe did not consider Sebastian a friend. He was a test subject.



One of Monroe's creations; Sammy was created to help Monroe in the lab with her experiments. Monroe considered Sammy one of her only friends as they spent a lot of their time together; Sammy was the only one to know what happened to Monroe before the Tipping Point but unfortunately Sammy's memories were wiped and now no one knows.

Character Name

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