Fay Duglesh



10 months, 9 days ago


"You never think that the last time is the last time. You think there will be more. You think you have forever, but you don't."


  • Gardening
  • Cooking/Baking
  • Outdoors
  • Painting
  • Cleaning


  • Winter
  • Loud people
  • Big animals
  • Most fruits
  • Feeling dirty


  • Her birthday is Feb 14
  • Sells fruits and veggies from farm
  • Outdoors 99% of the time
  • Has a pet cat, Felicity
  • Likes being alone
 NAME   Fey M. Duglesh 
 PRONOUNS   She/they 
 AGE   27 
 HEIGHT   5"9 
 SPECIES   Human 
 RACE   South African 
 GENDER   Transfem 
 ORIENTATION   Straight 
 THEME  Little Soldiers

Fay works on her fram with her co owner, River. Fay mainly sells fruits, veggies, eggs and other animal produces. She has a pet cat, that follows her around and gives her comapany.

She works as often as she can or is working on something. She is always working outside or is sitting outside. She is rarely inside unless she is sleeping, showering, and cooking.








Fay keeps to herself most of the time and is quiet. She been though lots of experience that give her large trust issues. Unless she is friends or family she is a very calm and quiet person.

If she is fimilar with the people she is around then she is a bubbly and fun person. She'll always be there to light up the room for anyone that needs her.

Early Life

Fay was born into a low class family with no silbing. Her parents did the best to raise her and keep her in school and soccer. She was a very active kid and with always outside, playing in the dirt or kick a ball. She always enjoyed sports or just making a mess with dirt and mud.

When she was young she always loved barbies and small little pink blind bags, with random items in it. Her parents always ignored her asking for pink items or big plushies.

Teenage Life

When she was middle school, she finally learned what the LGBTQ was because her family never shed light on it. She realize that all these feelings meant and why she felt so out of place for so long. She finally understood herself and started by telling her friend, River.

When she was confidence enough to tell her parents about her new identity and name. When she went to her parents, they did not take it well at all. Fay was on the streets that same night.

Current life

She has been working on her farm for many years. She loves working outside and being dirty. She has always loved being outdoors since she was little. She also loves running around with her little cat.

She mainly plants veggies and fruits but she rarely picks the fruit because she always hated any kind of fruits, so she always gets River to help out with her.

River P.  Friend/Co-Owner 

Fay and River are very close friends, they met in middle school and stayed close together. They always had a love for farm, so they chose to start a farm together. Fay covers fruits, veggies, and River covers help with the fruit and flowers.

Felicity  Pet/Friend 

Fay got Felicity when she was in high school. Felicity knows "helps" around the farm with Fay and River. She always trying to add company or help put berries in the basket or is following small critters in the garden area.